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Weekend Trivia ~ Saturday

Happy thanksgiving Weekend to Annette and I, and Happy Columbus Day Weekend to our American friends. Handy having matching holidays, isn't it? It is a sunny day, and I am going down to stuff the turkey!! Ymmmm.

But first - trivia!! I am taking you to one of my favourite web sites - Snopes. For the uninitiated, it is a great way to discover the truth about rumours flying around, and just generally waste a hour or so on the internet with fun facts and myths. Also a great way to find out if that horrible story your Aunt Sue shared with you is really true - or not. So your mission today is to divine which of Snopes' "25 Hottest Urban Legends" is really true, or false. Good Luck! I chose only 5,and these are in no particular order.

1. Florida woman named Jasmine Tridevil claims to have had a third breast implant.

2. Warning about thieves armed with "code grabbers" breaking into cars by recording signals sent from remote keyless entry devices.

3. Report that actor Russell Johnson of Gilligan's Island fame has been identified as the Zodiac Killer.

4. Report that Texas is about to legalize marijuana for medicinal and recreational use.

5. Claim that Apple's new "Wave" technology allows you to quickly recharge your iPhone by microwaving it.

There you go - hope you all get a little gardening in today. I am going to strip the last of the tomatoes off the vines, as we will have killing frost either tonight or tomorrow night. Sigh.


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