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$2.00 boquets : (

18 years ago

Hubby took the kids and I for a drive. We went to a flea market probably about an hour or so from our house. I was surprised to see a flower vendor there. I was shocked when I saw that the price for a boquet was $2.00. They were nice size boquets with a big white lily and roses (several colors available) and nice fillers. Hubby thought maybe the price was higher earlier and they were just trying to sell the rest of the flowers. They were making the boquets up on the spot. Some were standing in line with the colors of roses they wanted in their hands also. There wasn't any competition for the flowers there so I don't know why they thought they had to sell so cheaply. The name of the fleamarket was called Four Seasons and is located in Hubbard, Ohio in case anyone wants to visit. For this time of year, it is a pretty big fleamarket with all kinds of good stuff. I can't wait to go back in the summer.

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