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Weekend Trivia: Saturday

Good morning all! I am late this morning-two reasons: #1 is that we are having perfect sleeping weather with nighttime temps in the low 60s-upper 50s. I haven't had the ac on all week and that has been lovely. It is always wonderful to have the windows open with fresh air and birdsong in the morning! The #2 reason is that I stayed up too late to watch a special on The Doors. I have always wanted to believe that Jim Morrison was alive and living in the French countryside. Sigh. Anyway, it made me sad to watch his downward spiral yet again. Oh well.

So on to trivia (if you are still with me and not bored to tears). Can you name one thing that can help solve problems as diverse as low birth weight, brain damage, hearing loss, droopy plants, teen loitering, poor sports performance, illiteracy, and grumpy teens, not to mention sluggish alcohol sales and heart issues after a heart attack or heart surgery?

This may be either too hard or way too easy. We'll see.


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