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Weekend Trivia ~ Saturday

Happy Saturday Morning, Cottagers!! It is a clear sunny morning, and the heat has again broken. I think the yard sale is off till next Saturday, so I can play in the weeds.

Well, today is my birthday!! No, no - it's OK - you didn't know. I don't celebrate too much anymore, except the survival thing - that is a good thing, and sometimes surprises me. I have had a good time along the way. What is kinda cool is the fact that I share this date with some really uber-cool people, over-achievers of the highest order.

Let's see how many you can guess from the following clues, and those that will follow.
2 are British, 2 are American, 3 are male, 1 is female (funny how that math works), 2 are older than I am, and 2 are younger; 3 have won Oscars; actually, 1 had won both an Oscar and a Nobel prize. One is a Beauty; 1 attended a school another co-founded, 1 received some Gold records, maybe even Platinum. Pretty intimidating, yeah?? I am such an underachiever. To be in a room with these luminaries would be amazing, but only 3 are still with us - well you know not with us, but alive. I'd be a spot on the floor!!

So, this may suggest someone or another - maybe no one ? I'll be back with perhaps more obvious clues - if you ain't too proud to beg!!


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