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ATHROTAXIS and Sugi from Seed

16 years ago

Got an ounce of cryptomeria japonica seeds. germinating them outside here in oakland with daytime highs of seventy and night time lows of 40 degrees. I got em soakin in a plastic air tight bag in water til they swell up and start to sprout. I'll be keeping them outside, not in a greenhouse. I usually take them out of the water and very gently place them in the soil with the tip of a knife. In terms of the soil and temperature, does this sound good for these guys? Anybody have any experience germinating SUGI?

Also, does anybody have any experience with ATHROTAXIs. The san francisco botanical garden has two specimens and they're pretty amazing looking. Anybody know where to get seed, and if it's hard to grow from seed/ how big they can get and how fast they grow?

The rare members of taxodiaceae (or cupr.) really enthrall me. I feel some sort of obligation to help them avoid being knocked out to the brink and help spread them. I plan on giving specimens away/donating them, etc.

Any information about where to procure seeds of athrotaxis would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

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