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Weekend Trivia -- Sunday


OK, today's the day!! I`m going to put some seeds in at my allotment garden!! Very exciting. I was planning on doing this much earlier, as it will be hot today, Mad Dogs and Englishmen and all that. I have lots of seeds from my attempt here last year, under walnut trees. 8(. Also some heritage bean seeds - thanks Annette. And 6 red pepper plants - hope I can trade a couple for something else!! Going to get growing. So, in honour of this weekend planting, I have some trivia question about vegetables!!

1. Which vegetable has three times as much vitamin C as an orange and twice as much iron as spinach?

2. Which herb did the ancient Greeks hold sacred, using it to not only to adorn victors of athletic contests, but also for decorating the tombs of the deceased?

3. Which vegetable comes in white, yellow, orange, green, and purple varieties?

4. Which fruit is a member of the rose family?

5. Which nut did the Romans shower newlyweds with as a fertility charm?

There, 5 feels about right. I found these answers to be quite surprising. Are they easy?? Any ideas?? I am coming back for breaky, and to give you clues!!


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