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LBCC Plant Auction photos

16 years ago

Today was the 75th annual Long Beach Cactus Club plant auction and picnic. It was a beautiful day for it: great weather, great food, and lots of really great plants! There was an impressive set of growers on hand, so along with each auction, there was always a bit of useful discussion. I highly recommend that you join or attend these local societies. It will be worth it just for the insanely good prices! I took lots and lots of photos of the auction and of the garden maintained by the club.

Unfortunately, I do have the name and final price for some plants, but not everything.


Almost all of the plants lined up in anticipation of the auction.


This Aloe ramossissima was the true heavyweight. It was a whole different caliber than the other plants, and accordingly fetched a handsome price.


The Aloe looms over some other stellar plants.


A variegated Nolina (Beucarina)!


A variegated Agave victoria-reginae.


A gorgeous Parodia in full bloom.


Another gem was this Tylecodon, beautifully kept and staged.


Super nice Ariocarpus with an incredibly colored flower.


Some other plants, including a sweet Psuedobombax.


This Brighamia was the first plant I won. At $40, I thought it was a steal!


The other plant I won was this Commiphora kua. In addition to be a Socotra native, it is also just a sweet lookin' plant!


every branch on the C. kua terminates in a sharp point, making it rather well armed. These plants have a wide variety of medicinal and cultural uses throughout their range. They are truly enchanted...

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