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Weekend Trivia: Sunday

Tonight is the night the stars come out in Hollywood. Yes, intrepid movie fans, it is Oscars night. So, here are a few questions to test your knowledge of truly unimportant, inconsequential facts.

1. Who was the first actor to turn down a Best Actor award?

2. What was the first sequel to be nominated for Best Picture?

3. What was the first sequel to win for Best Picture?

4. What was the first movie quote to go viral and take on a life of its own?

5. Adjusted for inflation, what is the highest grossing film ever?

6. What actor and actress hold the record for most wins in a leading role?

7. What famed writer and his wife wrote the documentary "Design for Death" which won an Oscar in 1948?

8. What was unique about Hal Mohr's win for best cinematography at the 1936 awards?

There are more, but I don't want to overwhelm you! ;)

Now, off to the bird seed store and then Home Depot for some Command hooks for the classroom. Will return with clues in between writing my IEP for tomorrow morning (which our weather forecasters predict will be another day off for us, but need to be ready just in case).


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