From time to time I have told you all little bits and pieces about my neighbor.
Now, if you just speak to her casually, she seems nice enough. And at times she seems like if there is trouble, she means business.
However, there has been more trouble over there then the house next to her, which is what she complains about all the time. Both houses are nothing but trouble.
When we moved in my neighbor lived alone. Then her daughter and two children came. They were all OK for many years. But their neighbor house has always been a wreck with like 20 people outside arguing or yelling 24-7. Like Steven's Pig People on Steroids. Oh, and those people multiply like rabbits.
So then my neighbor gets two dogs. Neither are fixed. They are totally ignored and tied up in the back yard once they are too big to be cute puppies. They procreate, have a large litter and I am SURE she killed them because she left them all out in freezing weather after telling me she brought them in.
Then some time after this she gets a kitten, has it for a month and tells the grandson to "get rid of it" we told her MANY times we'd take it, but no. Then she says she can't bear to know we have it and she doesn't. But instead of killing the cat, the grandson just takes it to the park and lets it go.
About a few years later, after several instances where the children who are growing have swarms of violent teenagers gang on the house and we have to call the police, she lets her daughter and one teenage, and two grown sons move in. So there's like 7 of them in a teensy two bedroom house. Youngest sisters son is WEIRD, the grandson begins to tell me that this kid holds a knife to his throat, talks about killing people etc. all the time and they are forced to share a room. This after I find grandson sleeping in the car and nobody seems to be aware of this. Then the kid goes out for "a walk" and says a dog chased him. I call the dog catcher as I see the neighbors dogs running around. Kid is TERRIFIED of the dog catcher or the police.
THEN, to top it all off there is a murder directly behind our home one night. A young man and his wife are robbed and man is shot.
Well, police come to my door. Turns out it is this kid. They think the other boy is in on it. And I know that other boy is not. After much talking and going back and forth my neighbor admits that this kid sneaks from window and robbed a chain restaurant. Kids says his MOTHER (my neighbors sister) tells him to do it. Then I find out sister and family left their home state because he killed someone there. Kid is 15. Kid was in the midst of trying to rob the house behind us and let dogs out which is why the dog was after him. Neighbor never helped the police one bid. HID evidence, more like it.
Now her grandson is bad news. He has been in jail more times than you can count. They kicked him out. Lived in a park for 3 years instead of getting a job. Now take him back in, let him live (probably gets some sort of gov't check even tho never worked one single day of his life) to get his money. Kid outside 24-7 drinking, swearing, playing music, 20 friends. Tonight like 30 friends.
I have spoken to grandma countless times and tried to be nice.
Forget nice. Now I will be a royal Witch.
Please hand me the broomstick.
I am so tired of this crap. NOBODY in our street even goes outside in their front yard anymore because it is so unpleasant yet everyone is afraid to say one single word about it. They all hide and pretend it is not an issue. They all hide until they want help with something and then come running to ask me (I can't tell you how many times grandma has asked for help). Yet I ask for help and every door closes.
So now I have completely lost my marbles and am complaining to you all.
AHHHHH (running around in circles, tearing out hair!!!)
Thank-you for listening.
aftermidnight Zone7b B.C. Canada
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