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About ready to pull my hair out again.

17 years ago

From time to time I have told you all little bits and pieces about my neighbor.

Now, if you just speak to her casually, she seems nice enough. And at times she seems like if there is trouble, she means business.

However, there has been more trouble over there then the house next to her, which is what she complains about all the time. Both houses are nothing but trouble.

When we moved in my neighbor lived alone. Then her daughter and two children came. They were all OK for many years. But their neighbor house has always been a wreck with like 20 people outside arguing or yelling 24-7. Like Steven's Pig People on Steroids. Oh, and those people multiply like rabbits.

So then my neighbor gets two dogs. Neither are fixed. They are totally ignored and tied up in the back yard once they are too big to be cute puppies. They procreate, have a large litter and I am SURE she killed them because she left them all out in freezing weather after telling me she brought them in.

Then some time after this she gets a kitten, has it for a month and tells the grandson to "get rid of it" we told her MANY times we'd take it, but no. Then she says she can't bear to know we have it and she doesn't. But instead of killing the cat, the grandson just takes it to the park and lets it go.

About a few years later, after several instances where the children who are growing have swarms of violent teenagers gang on the house and we have to call the police, she lets her daughter and one teenage, and two grown sons move in. So there's like 7 of them in a teensy two bedroom house. Youngest sisters son is WEIRD, the grandson begins to tell me that this kid holds a knife to his throat, talks about killing people etc. all the time and they are forced to share a room. This after I find grandson sleeping in the car and nobody seems to be aware of this. Then the kid goes out for "a walk" and says a dog chased him. I call the dog catcher as I see the neighbors dogs running around. Kid is TERRIFIED of the dog catcher or the police.

THEN, to top it all off there is a murder directly behind our home one night. A young man and his wife are robbed and man is shot.

Well, police come to my door. Turns out it is this kid. They think the other boy is in on it. And I know that other boy is not. After much talking and going back and forth my neighbor admits that this kid sneaks from window and robbed a chain restaurant. Kids says his MOTHER (my neighbors sister) tells him to do it. Then I find out sister and family left their home state because he killed someone there. Kid is 15. Kid was in the midst of trying to rob the house behind us and let dogs out which is why the dog was after him. Neighbor never helped the police one bid. HID evidence, more like it.

Now her grandson is bad news. He has been in jail more times than you can count. They kicked him out. Lived in a park for 3 years instead of getting a job. Now take him back in, let him live (probably gets some sort of gov't check even tho never worked one single day of his life) to get his money. Kid outside 24-7 drinking, swearing, playing music, 20 friends. Tonight like 30 friends.

I have spoken to grandma countless times and tried to be nice.

Forget nice. Now I will be a royal Witch.

Please hand me the broomstick.

I am so tired of this crap. NOBODY in our street even goes outside in their front yard anymore because it is so unpleasant yet everyone is afraid to say one single word about it. They all hide and pretend it is not an issue. They all hide until they want help with something and then come running to ask me (I can't tell you how many times grandma has asked for help). Yet I ask for help and every door closes.

So now I have completely lost my marbles and am complaining to you all.

AHHHHH (running around in circles, tearing out hair!!!)

Thank-you for listening.


Comments (20)

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I too would be pulling my hair out. Plus a tad apprehisive to have someone that was a killer living near me.
    If they rent, maybe you can talk with the owners. Here you can get the owners names from the county on-line tax rolls.
    Please feel free to vent all you want. I wish there was a clear cut answer.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    One has to be so careful in situations like this, I do feel so bad for you. It sounds like some pretty unstable people you're dealing with and it looks like the neighborhood has left you standing alone. I don't have any answers for you but If you feel you have a safety issue maybe you should inform your law enforcement of your concerns and hopefully get some direction from them as to how to handle this terrible situation. I wouldn't confront these neighbors personally they all seem completely unhinged to me and very unpredictable to say the least.
    Up here we are encouraged to form neighborhood watches, look out for one another and to inform the police of any suspicious goings on. They in turn might not be able to do anything immediately but they do start a file and when they have enough evidence they descend on the vermin like a plague of locusts. They have cleaned up some pretty nasty situations in our city, my hats off to them.
    We were in a similar situations some years back, we had some pretty scary people living next door when it was a rental. it took almost all the joy out of living for the couple of years they were here. Please feel free to vent all you want, the worst thing you can do is keep it bottled up. If nothing else we can give you some moral support.


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    Amysrq you are right my inspiration photo is a lot darker. Mouse's Back in my kitchen looks like baby poo. I love the color though but, not in that room with that light. Hardwick White was pretty close too in my kitchen but, it went really khaki green and I was thinking it wouldn't blend with the Blue so I went down the lighter color path. I have seen that kitchen picture everywhere on almost every blog I read. Everyone loves that kitchen I think because it represents a "real" kitchen makeover that we all can relate too. Because no matter how much I want my kitchen to look like the hundreds of inspiration pics I have, unless I start over and have tons of money, it won't ever be. But that pic gives you encouragement that you can make over existing not so special cabinets and make them look fabulous. Thanks for the encouragement. You are right all the F&B colors are beautiful. I'm in love with that paint. I just painted my dining room walls, crown and base boards with Light Blue and it is gourgeous. The kitchen connects to it and that is why I pulled the light blue into the island. If you have any other suggestions throw them my way since it sounds like you are a fellow F&B fan. I have most every color in a sample pot. And I don't feel one bit guilty about it because I have been using them to paint furniture with.
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  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I couldn't agree more with Annette. The police should be patrolling your neighborhood several times daily.

    I feel so bad for you!!!!!! What a living hell!!!!!!!

    Are there laws in your county about how many people can live in a small home?

    Errr...how do these type people get away with so much.

    I'll pray real hard they leave.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Be very careful. You don't want these neighbors gunning for you or damaging your property. It is a police matter, so talk with the police about how to handle things. There are probably county/city ordinances about occupany rates in homes, too. Then, there's the animal protection folks. Use organizations to help with this rather than trying to take it on with them in person.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Please be careful GGG not to let their attention turn on you, like everyone is suggesting this is a matter for the police not your sweet self, take care, Martha

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I do call the police but you know, last night I could not see what was going on enough until they were about to leave that there was a huge case of beer involved, along with 4-5 cars. Had I have seen that, I'd surely have called.
    We don't have police patroling here regularly. Atlanta police are absolutely strapped, and we live in an area that used to have lower density. So now it is becoming much higher density with just the same # of police. This city is appaulingly so mismanaged and I feel terrible for the police. So now we buy into off-duty police security but because so few people on our street have joined the patrol they don't come here that often. And if there is just hanging out, nothing can be done (especially if it is hanging out on someone's private property) because we have no loitering laws etc. on the books here. It really annoys me that the neighbors put up with this crap but then again, half the neighbors are doing it. The other half are mostly too scared to get involved, or it isn't happening close enough to their house for them to feel it is a problem.
    The worst I felt was for the new guys that moved in a few months ago. Two weeks after moving in there were broken into. What a fine how-do ya do.
    On the whole, this is an awesome neighborhood, but as things go, it is street by street. The old neighbors we bought the 2nd house from were pretty great. The only problem was that they let their mentally ill and homeless brother sleep in their car instead of helping him get treatment. Other than that, they were quiet except when they had these wonderful family parties. They were joyous and showed folks around here that no matter what your economic status is you can have a beautiful, lovely life instead of living on the dark side of the gutter.
    Sometimes it just gets frustrating.
    This year I am planning on digging up all my roses and the time path and moving them all to the 2nd property and then installing a line of evergreens so that it will block out the view and some of the noise. I know that will totally annoy my neighbor. She insists that they should be able to see into our yard, or do things like sit right below our bedroom window (our houses are close). So a line of evergreens between us and them is my solution for keeping things neighborly or I'm just gonna loose it.

    Thank-you all for letting me air my grievance. I can't really talk to DH about this either because he is one of those that is more afraid to do anything about the problem.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    GGG, I understand your husbands fears. We lived in a large city in a somewhat neglected neighborhood, our first home as home owners. There were lots of shady characters on our street and a small two bedroom house across the street had 17 people living in it. The kids there used to come and ask for food. The mother, her grown sons and their wives/girlfriends were all drug users. It was tough to raise decent kids in that environment. We did a lot of restorative work on our house. One night a drive-by shooting occured in our backyard. I had a baby in a crib in the room that faced the backyard. I ran in the room and threw myself and the baby on the floor and sent my daughter to the upstairs bedroom at the front of the house. The police never came. We put our home up for sale and moved to a better neighborhood. Some things just can't be fixed.

    I'm so sorry for the situation you are in. Don't try to fight them on your own, use the police and any other means needed but don't let them know that you are going to war with them. I'll pray for your safety and a solution to come forth for this unacceptable situation you are in.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The home owner came and spoke to me today. She said she would "be doing something about the recent problems", which I mentioned had been going on for a YEAR and of course it's everyone elses fault and she wants ME to be the lookout and ME to call the police. So I confronted her, in a quiet and neighborly way and asked WHY ME. It's going on in YOUR home and if you cared about yourself and the others around you, you wouldn't let it happen. Because you won't look out for others, I am not going to be much concerned about you and what goes on with you people. I told her I do not have control over the situation, SHE does and of course there were more excuses. The weirdest thing she told me was that she just can't kick her family out because there is "some law" that says if you let someone live in your home for 30 days you can't kick them out without some court order or something. That is the most INSANE thing I have heard - to not be able to kick out people who are not paying rent and have no rental agreement and do not own the home?
    What a waste of conversation when all I really wanted to do was to get the yard looking better.
    As for drive by shootings etc. We deal with that somewhat. Not really drive by but often shooting - it frightened me at first but it doesn't bother me any more. I'm not being foolish about it, but then again, I am not going to let someone who doesn't even own a home here scare me out of the one I do. It would be very different if I had kids, but I don't.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't have a firm grasp of your property (only the pics I've seen), and I know you are a savvy big-city woman so no offense intended. I'm sure you know not to block out too much line of vision with the evergreens. You wouldn't want anyone to be on your property (or breaking into your home) without a patrolman or a friendly neighbor (fat chance by the sound of it) being able to see it happening.

    I feel for you. Our neighborhood just isn't anywhere near that bad. Our neighborhood watch actually has dome some good and our officer is not only really cute, but he ousted a group of cat burglars from the rental across from us.

    Do you use cameras/recorders? I've been told in our watch that having exposed cameras is both bad and good. They may deter some people, but they can also make you a target. Either way though, they would possibly get you evidence that might come in handy.

    Don't tear your hair out, it's too pretty to waste on such scum.

    Vent away!


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Lord, GGG! Those folks are absofreakinglutely horrible. I can hardly believe that you have been able to stand it as long as you have. I used to think I had neighbor problems, but they were chicken feed compared to yours.

    I'd check into zoning laws for your neighborhood to see if they are in violation, and find out who the local zoning enforcement official is. It seems that there must be something that could be done about that many people in one small house.

    Good LUCK!


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a terrible situation! I'd be ready to pull out hair too . . . THEIRS!

    I do hope things will improve for you SOON!


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If there are members of this group of "family" that will murder others then your neighbor is probably scared to death for her own safety. What a terrible situation all the way around. Is she asking for your help because she is scared herself? Do you think that coming to you and asking you to make the calls was her way of reaching out for help? GGG I feel so bad for you being in the middle of this mess. I know how it is to feel unsafe in your own home. Can you and the neighbor go together to the police station and ask for some help in resolving this? Maybe it would empower her to move forward with change if she could do it in a way that would not point back to her. Honestly if it were me in her shoes I would be terrified to live in the same house with these other people. Just a thought that I hope helps you.

    Take good care of yourself, GGG, and be safe.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Glynis, you've put up with more than I could ever stand. Enough is enough. I say, you do what you have to do. Call the police, explain the situation. Maybe you can even get child & family services over there to investigate. Too much going on in that house for their NOT to be trouble.

    Good luck,

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Does your city have an ombudsman, GGG? They are meant to help settle disputes amongst neighbors, family members, etc. They usually work under the auspices of the Police Dept.

    Many years ago a multiple shooting (murders) and hostage situation happened across the street from where I lived. I was involved because I found a murdered police officer laying in the street, and I alerted the police. I lived across the street from where the killer broke-in and took hostages. The situation went on for hours. Ultimately the killer ran out of the house and the police shot him down. I saw the man get struck by multiple bullets and I saw his head explode. The police shot the killer in cold blood just the way he had shot the policeman. Then they concocted a lie to cover their butts.

    I was interviewed repeatedly by police and FBI. Somebody sent the ombudsman to talk to me, because I was seriously freaked out. I'd never seen a dead person before. I had not dealt with a SWAT team taking over my neighborhood, or police cover-ups. The murdered police officer hadn't followed protocol. It was a huge mess which just snowballed all over the place. I had to testify at a Police Review Commission. I testified that the Police Chief was lying. Let me tell you, that put the fear of God into me. I was scared to death the police would come after me.

    Anyway, the ombudsman showed up at my place unexpectedly. Initially I was pissed off at yet another attempt to interrogate me. But the ombudsman proved to be a terrific man. He really helped me to come to gripes with the reality of all of that horror, and he believed in me. He backed me one hundred percent. The police did not come after me. The Police Chief resigned.

    I think your neighbor woman also needs to be involved with Social Services. If you can get an ombudsman involved, he could see to that. Do you have an alarm system in your home?


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    There is no social services here to deal with the situation. IF the teenage grandaughter and great grandaughter lived there it would be another story. What is going on over there wouldn't be. Teenage grandaughter is the only one with some sense (which she seems to have found after having her own baby daughter so young). No, no ombudsman.
    I sure do have an alarm, and also strikemasters so they can't break down doors. I had the doors specially designed so that you can't reach in a broken window and get to knobs, or locks. I even put sliding bolts on the BOTTOMS of the doors so nobody could reach them or even think they would be there!!
    We do however have a local community computer group. Two men who are "unofficial" security (we also have paid security) will drive by and take photos, take descriptions of cars and whomever is hanging out there. This will help me BIG time. I can take my own info with this and send it to the paid security who will then do a bit of further observance for a few days and take all findings to the police. The police are very well aware of everything I've faced on this street. It's been 10 years and it's ENOUGH already.

    Thank-you all for your support. We've had a lot of stuff going on in our community besides just the drugs. Daily break-ins to steal mainly flat screen TV's (which we don't own and I have made a cabinet with doors to hide my TV during the day), muggings, car jackings. I can't go out with my phone easily findable on me, with any money, or any ID most days. I refuse to let those creeps take my stuff. I'm also not afraid of them - I'm pretty non-violent but well known in the community to beat the holy living crap outta you if you touch me. I've gone it before.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow Glynis, you really are walking a tightrope. Above all, you need to protect your safety. Any actions you take should be made anonymously. But, in my opinion, you should take action. I don't know if you do this already, but when I went on my crusade to oust Pig People, I kept a journel of every incident.

    Led Zeppelin tribute concert, 2:00 a.m. Mon.
    Crack deal in street, 8:00 p.m. Sat
    Escaped inmate pees in front yard 11:00 a.m. Sun.

    I logged in every time I contacted the police, the landlord, code enforcement, and HUD. I groused to anyone who would listen. In the process, I found out there were many agencies and programs that were available to help me. I was even encouraged to contact the FBI and ATF if I had strong reason to believe there was serious drug activity. In your case, with this deranged 15 year old, I would think a percautionary ringy-dingy to the FBI wouldn't be such a bad idea. I really hesitate advising you to meddle so deaply into this family's affairs, but something has to give. You shouldn't have to live like this.

    There was one program offered by the city called Street Beat. It was great while it lasted. Basically, it involved an officer coming to a neighborhood meeting and explaining ways you could help them help you. The officers then spent several hours each week walking the neighborhood, talking with folks. It was very effective and reduced loitering and graffiti. Alas, the city had to scrap the program this year due to budget cuts. But do pay a visit to city hall and the police to find out what all of your options are.

    What you said about your neighborhood being awsome but it was street by street really struck a chord. Ours is exactly the same way. Beautiful old homes and wonderful streets, pockmarked with bits of nasty. The city has made great steps and I have high hopes. Unfortunely, this sub-prime mortgage mess is going to make our efforts more difficult for a while. Two homes on this block have foreclosed. Two rentals sit empty. The market adjustment has stripped nearly all of our equity away. All we can do is sit tight and wait for the rebound.

    And stay vigilant towards those who would Pig against us.

    Be strong but be very, very careful GGG.

    Yours in solidarity,


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's a thought. The 15 year old may be a crazed psycho, but he's still a child in the eyes of the law. Perhaps an anonymous call to Child Protective Services might prove useful. It could be just the help this wayward soul needs.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dear GGG ~ Hugs and prayers for you and your neighbor and the 'hood' that you live in. I thought our area was bad, but yours is horrible. One thing good for us living on this 5 lane road out front, is that it is a policing corridor for the sheriff's dept. Stuff does happen on side streets though, shootings, murder, drug dealing, etc. Not all is bad though, and I try to stay positive. We do keep to ourselves, we have privacy fencing all around except across the driveway. We have a hedge-row filled with all kinds of flowering and non-flowering shrubs in front of the privacy fencing out front. We hear gun shots in the night sometimes. It can be scary that is for sure. I pray that things will work out great for you so that you can relax in your newly remodeled home.

    Maybe your neighbor and her group will move out like Steven's pig family. That would surely benefit the whole neighborhood.

    Planting roses along the fence line is a good thing. Lovely blooms and scents, and some nice thorns also.

    Love and hugs ~ May things work out for you soon.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Derranged 15 year old is long gone. That was a few years ago and he's back in Alabama in the mental hospital serving time for a murder there before he comes back here to go on trial for the murder and several robberies here. We realize he is a child. That is not the problem. His MOTHER is the problem and should never have custody of him again. She's the one that took him off his meds.
    Anyway, one of the people who lives in the neighborhood is a PI and is now doing surveillance!! Today there was some activity but no selling. PI is back tomorrow for more filming. PI wants to get two transactions on film so that we can take it to the police and let them take it from there. The police do know these two houses are notorious.
    Last night there was a theft down the other end of the street, and they were surprised. I pointed out that the people who walk to and from this point of sale near me are not the most savory of characters and could easily have made the stop to pilfer. They basically said that their end of the street is quiet and they don't care that this end isn't. The PI spoke to a renter (PI was using their driveway) and the renter said they thought that drug selling was going on, but it was far enough away (5 houses) that he didn't bother to worry about it.
    That is the crazy stuff of my neighbors. They are all like that. Don't worry until it's in my backyard. It is so sad. PI lives two blocks away and says that the street there is awesome and everyone looks out for one another.

    My neighbor will not move. She owns her house and is very proud of it. However PI said she can and probably will have her home taken away if things don't smarten up. Apparently they've been doing it a lot in the city recently.

    I've been busy planting along the fence. The roses have never gotten thick enough to screen the riff raff over there out because it is by this small length of what was grass but grandma pours all manner of chemicals on it so it stays bare dirt.

    Today the boys enjoyed taking pot shots at my birdhouses. And throwing trash in my yard. Talk about 5 year olds. At least we caught it on video, lol.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    how awful, your right, DEFACS and the Atl police will be no help here unless something horrible happens. From your posts I know you have put your heart and soul into your home, garden and neighborhood. I hope this can be resolved soon, if you can wait, your street will catch up with the other more peaceful ones in the neighborhood.

    The kids disrespecting my yard would send me over the edge. It's sad how broken so many people are. -- Harriet

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