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Weekend Trivia ~ Saturday

It's a beautiful sunny morning here - mild, but we are threatened with yet another snowstorm!! Oh well.

In honour of the 48th Super Bowl this Sunday, I thought I'd do a little football trivia, for you to impress your friends and family with at the game. Nothing too taxing though - how about multiple choice?

1. Originally, the game was played between two teams of 25 players each, used a round ball, and resembled a combination of rugby and soccer in its rules; the ball could not be _____ or _______.
a. picked up or carried
b. kicked or touched by hand
c. made with canvas or cloth

2. The first professional football game was played in _____ when William "Pudge" Heffelfinger was paid $500 to play a game .
a. 1875
b. 1920
c. 1892

3. The introduction of the ______ in 1881 resulted in unexpected strategy changes.
a. punt
b. snap
c. field goal

4. Which President threatened to ban the game, due to serious injuries and 19 deaths in one year?
a. McKinley
b. Roosevelt
c. Taft

5. The National Football League was established in which year:
a. 1900
b 1920
c. 1918

Well, there, some easy, some not so much. That should give you a bit of a workout, eh? I'll be back with clues, if you smart guys need them.


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