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My VERY modest succulent collection.

13 years ago

If you're interested I'd like to share some pictures of my very modest succulent collection. There's nothing really interesting here but I'm hoping to get some advice and ideas from you all if you're so inclined to do so. Also, if I've improperly named something please feel free to correct me. Thanks for looking ahead of time!

1. This is the Euphorbia milii (Thai crown of thorns) that my husband's grandmother brought me recently. I know it's not in proper soil and plan to re-pot this weekend. Any other advice on this plant would be greatly appreciated.


2. This is Graptopetalum Paraguayense (ghost plant or mother of pearl). I got this for free from my Grandmother's neighbor down in North Port, FL. It's in rough shape but it's starting to look really good and spreading! I really love the way this plant looks! It is one of my absolute favorites!


3. This is the stapeliad that I posted about previously on the forum. What kind is yet to be determined. I'm waiting for it to flower before I'll be able to nail it down. It's starting to get some flower buds so I should know soon. This was another acquisition from my grandmother's neighbor. It was very unhealthy when I first got it as you can see from the gray branches. Now it's doing really well!


4. This is Sedum morganiuanum (burro's tail). Another of my favorites because it looks like dreadlocks from far away!


5. This is the first succulent dish I put together myself. It consists of Sedum morganiuanum (burro's tail), little tiny Graptopetalum Paraguayense (ghost plant or mother of pearl) that you can barely see, Echeveria subsessilis and anacamperos lubbersii. I'd like to know how to propagate the Echeveria subsessilis and anacamperos lubbersii. Any ideas?


6. These are my newly acquired cacti that I also previously posted about on this forum. I purchased them at Lowe's on Wednesday at half price and I even got the dish/pot marked down because it had a chip in it. The cacti are mammillaria bombycina, mammillaria spinosissima, lemaireocereus pruinosus and a oreocereus celsianus. I realize that as they get bigger I will have to separate them but for the time being I'm enjoying them like this!


7. 13. This was an acquisition from my German neighbor across the street. I commented on how nice it looked and she just gave it to me LOL! I still have some question as to what it is but some of you have told me it's probably Sedum sarmentosum (yellow moss).


And that's all she wrote! I also have some Adenium obesum seeds that I'm planning on starting this weekend that Tom (from this website) was generous enough to share with me. Okay! I think I've bored you all enough! Again, thanks for looking at my small, modest succulent/cacti collection. I've definitely got the bug or "collectoritis" as someone so eloquently put it. I look forward to acquiring more in the future!

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