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Is this normal? Should I do anything?

19 years ago

I have a jackmannii clematis that I planted last year. So far this year it has grown a lot, it's about 6' tall right now. But it doesn't seem to have hardly any leaves!? Does it need fertilizer maybe?? More sun?? My other clematis is not near as tall, but it's much bushier, it's in a full sun location where jack is in a shadier location. (although it does still get several hours of full sun per day) Also the other clem (hagly hybrid/pink chiffon) Is blooming, but Jack shows no real signs of flowers...

I havn't fertilized either of them since last year, I'm kind of afraid to do anything to them. I've heard so many people tell me that clematis are hard to grow, but I seem to be doing just fine so far... Thats why I'm afraid to change what I'm doing!! LOL

Here is a recent pic

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