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Brugs that have never bloomed. Is it just too cold here?

11 years ago

I have four brugs. I have not seen blooms since 2010. I am frustrated enough to consider giving up on them until I move to a warmer climate. I admire the gorgeous brugs so many of you have and just want to see mine bloom. I hope someone in a cold climate can either help me, or make sympathetic noises so I feel better.

Here's the whole saga. I bought the first two brugs in 2010. They were cuttings in 4-inch pots. Twin NOIDs from a local nursery. I potted them into 4-gallon buckets. We had our first frost on schedule in late September. In came the plants. One brug bloomed in the living room in October. White flowers that turned pink. Smelled great. I wanted more. In 2011 I bought another NOID from the same nursery. This one is variegated. The mother brug is too big to leave the greenhouse so I had high hopes. Thanks to a generous friend, I also received a mail-order Dr. Seuss that summer. Tiny thing in a 2" pot with a trunk like a pencil. We moved to a new apartment with an attached garage, so the brugs spent the winters of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 in the semi-heated garage. I left the pinks outside too long in fall 2011 and they froze to the soil, but resprouted in spring 2012. The brugs have always been potted because we've been renting with July 1 lease dates. Digging up and relocating a garden in late June/early July is not fun for the gardener or the plants. Done it twice now. One landlord died, the next had a baby and wanted the apartment back. I'm hoping our current landlord will refrain from major life events for at least a couple of years.

Dr. Seuss is now the tallest and looks rather like a broomstick with a cluster of leaves on top. None of the brugs has produced a Y or buds, except the pink one four summers ago. They got dosed with 4-month Osmocote in spring and watered with Miracle Gro all summer. We moved again this summer and don't have a garage at all. There's no attic, no basement, no shed, no spare closet. I have two options for all my plants this winter. In the apartment, or outside. Since it can get to -20 F outside, that's only an option for zone-hardy perennials or plants I want dead. So now I'm staring at the brugs and trying to decide their fate.

I'm beginning to wonder if we just don't have enough heat here. We can and do get 50 F nights at any time during the summer. Not every night, but when we get a cold front in July, it can happen. Frost and snow flurries in May and October are normal and expected. The tender-plant growing season is June, July, August, and the first half of September. In mid-September we start watching for frost warnings. This year we got the late September cold, with frost warnings and running outside to cover plants, and then a warm first half of October as a lovely gift, but this is unusual for the area. We do get compensated for all this cold with lilacs and tulips and other beautiful things. My tuberous begonias bloom all summer. I can grow fuchsias. But I'd like to have brugmansias, too. Thanks for reading my whining to the end. I promise to read your responses all the way through.

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