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Newbie needs help with Euphorbia Lactea Cristata

15 years ago

I'm not new to gardening, but cactus & succulents are new-ish for me. I acquired a small Euphobia Lactea Cristata over a year ago, and I'm having two issues with it: First, I wasn't expecting a fast growth rate, but the only sign of anything new I've seen since I've had it is one small (1-2 inch) new stem. (I will also admit that I've never fertilized it, so that may solve that problem). Second, I just noticed yesterday that one section of it has a blackish soft spot on it that's almost mushy. Fungus ? And how do I treat that ? I'm hoping I can cut out the bad parts and maybe use the cleaned up, cut off piece as a new start.

It's planted in a terra cotta pot with regular cactis/succulent medium (very coarse, no peat). I water about once every two weeks, and it sits near a south facing window. I'm thinking it might be happier outside with some higher light. Any suggestions would be most helpful !

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