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13 years ago

Few new seedlings are opening for the first time.

Look at those tendrils....they are almost as long as the the whole flower. Unfortunately I missed the flush. It opened while I was away.

{{gwi:454521}} {{gwi:572893}} {{gwi:454525}} {{gwi:572895}}

This seedling started white and change color to a peach. I love the color. Hope I'll see the flush before I live again in 7 days.

{{gwi:572896}} {{gwi:572897}} {{gwi:572898}}

{{gwi:572899}} {{gwi:572900}}

{{gwi:572901}} {{gwi:572901}}

Another one...

{{gwi:572902}} {{gwi:572903}} {{gwi:572904}} {{gwi:572905}}

Nothing special about this one but it's such a reliable bloomer and smels very nice.


I do not know what this guy/gal is because I lost the tag. Could be a seedling or an establish brug I got it as cutting, who knows? What I know is that it behaves very well in heat. The flowers do not wilt in heat (85-92)like other brugs do. First time I see it bloom and had only 2 buds. Now it has more buds. Hope I'll see them when I come back.


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