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Have I planted my new Clematis too close to my climbing rose?

18 years ago

I have a small urban backyard and am a newbie to Clematis. I recently bought a Multiblue and a Rooguchi to intertwine with my year-old Kocher Red and Sombreuil roses that climb up a trellis against a property wall. Due to lack of space and other plantings in the bed, etc. I planted the Multiblue (in part shade) against the wall about a foot away from the base of the Kocher Red rose. The Rooguchi is also next to the wall two feet away from the base of the rose on the other side. So to clarify, the rose is sort of squished between the two clematis plants. Is this too close? Since, I only planted them two days ago I could move them further away, but am averse to disturbing them (the roots had already also come loose from the soil in the mail order nursery container). Do you think the Clematii (correct plural?) will be able to adjust and spread their roots away from the rose and thrive or should I move them now?

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