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crassulas (jades), Adeniums, Fungicide and Insecticidal soaps

16 years ago

Hi all,

This is my first official posting here at gardenweb, though I have been reading them for a long long time.

My question is this. I have several varieties and sizes of jades and jade like crassulas, as well as a few adeniums. this summer, as the new growth began on my largest jade, I noticed that all of the new leaves have been sprouting up with distorted shapes and features...not in a monstose way, but in a way that makes me think there is a problem. this is also true of the smaller jades. I am guessing theree is probably something eatiing at them when they are still tiny little leaf buds. So, Is it safe to use insecticidal soap on jade plants and other succulents? what about Fungicides? any ideas on what might me causing the leaf distortion? thanks.

B Leland

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