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If you order plants or seeds...what online sources do you use?

15 years ago

I was wondering if anyone could tell me which online sources they use the most, which ones have been the best for them ect.

Are there any sources within the Carolina's you use to get plant or seed materials?

I just received an order from Rob's Violet Barn today, and it got me thinking...I'd like to have some references for good sources from gardeners in my area, who have some of the same promblems...or wants that I have.

Let me say....Rob's really does take a lot of care in preparing their plants for shipment! They spent more in shipping supplies than I spent in Hoyas! lol

It was inside a foil bag, with the air pockets surrounding them, each individual plant was wrapped in black plastic to keep the soil in the pots, then wrapped again in thick white paper and stapled at both ends.

The plants were a touch small for what I paid...but, I'm cheap, another Hoya lover might think it's normal to get small plants mailorder.

I'd really like to hear who you purchase from online!

Here is the very short list of online nurseries I buy plants from:

Pepper's Greenhouse (

Rob's Violet Barn (

Jungle Cactus (

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