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Transplanting a grapefruit tree

15 years ago

Hello all. Under my grandparent's 30 year old Ruby Grapefruit tree in Arizona there were several baby trees, each about 15" tall. I dug up two of them (most of the soil fell off the roots which I wrapped in a damp towel and put into a ziplock), and Fed-exed them to my home in Los Angeles. I flew home the same day and transplanted the two trees into 2 large clay pots with outdoor planting soil and packed the soil well. I then watered them down.

Am I doing this right? I have planted a couple of lemon trees that were 4 years old that came from pots into my yard. But going from a naturally grown young tree in the ground to a pot and then someday I hope to put in the this the best method?

We just sold my grandparent's house and i LOVED that tree, so this is my way to keep those grapefruits alive.

Thanks for any insight.


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