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Red Sanguinea green & tall but bloomless

19 years ago

My lovely red brug was a valentine's gift. It has since grown to be 7' tall, outside on a partly shady east patio. Not a bud in sight, but a beautiful tree complete with a variety of y's.

I'm leaving on vacation for 3 weeks and have moved it into my south facing courtyard. Possible it didn't receive enough sun to bloom, however I started it in the same courtyard earlier in the summer and it drooped like crazy telling me it didn't like the heat.

Now that fall is here, I'm hopeful, but I wonder if I should take the chance on leaving my brugs outside (Denver area) while I travel? Because although they will be watered, I get back October 7 and sometimes, sometimes, a Canadian cold front will come down early to chill us before we're ready. How much cold can these plants take?

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