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Brown spots on youngest rosette leaves Echeveria

ealdwood (10a)
9 years ago

Hi! Two weeks ago was battling spider mites, then fungus gnats. The latter probably because while I was spraying alcohol and water it made my echeveria bottom leaves too wet and five of them rotted off, and made the soil too the fungus gnats attacked. Soil is cactus soil from lowes, read it's not too good?
I've sprayed it about three -5 times with garden safe fungicide 3. I don't wait 7days in between sprayings. Should I?
Anyways I haven't seen an adult flying gnat for about a day, will wait longer, but I'm basically concerned about those brown spots on the smallest youngest leaves of this echeveria that I have. I've tried rubbing them off but I can't, they're not indented or anything, should I be worried about them? Is it a sign of mites or gnat larvae?

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