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Is anyone interested in getting milkweed plants?

17 years ago

My Monarchs are basically done here and now I have all of these plants in cups. I really don't have room to bring them in the house over the winter, and I don't want to have to keep watering them. I don't know if they'd survive outside over the winter just in cups. Well, of course the Tropical Milkweed wouldn't, but I'm not sure if the Swamp Milkweed wood even if it is a perennial since we get pretty cold weather up here. I also don't want to plant them outside because the more I plant the more Monarchs I'll get. Then I feel obligated to bring them all in away from predators. I already have over 150 plants planted outside in the ground and don't want any more. Close to 500 for the year was all that I care to ever raise in one season.

So if there is any person(s) on here to desire milkweed (either swamp or tropical), then I will send as many as I can in a flat rate priority USPS box. I'll take them out of the cups (otherwise, I would only be able to fit a few in the box), wrap the roots in a moist paper towel and put plastic wrap around that.

I have no idea how many plants I could fit in a flat rate box, but I'm guessing about 20 if I can get most of the soil removed from the roots so it doesn't take up as much room. If you're willing to pay the $9 to cover the postage, then you can have yourself a bunch of milkweed plants. Please specify if you want swamp, tropical or if it doesn't matter. I know it's pretty late for people in the north, but you could plant them outside for next year (the swamp milkweeds). People in the south could use them right now, but just so you know they aren't real tall, 6-12" or so. They have already fed Monarch cats and are leafed out again with tender foliage. Please email me at cbrouse00 at gmail dot com if interested. I need the money before I can send the plants.


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