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Need help with my only surviving Monarch caterpillar

14 years ago

Hi all! I planted some milkweed in my container garden this year and finally got 3 monarch cats. I noticed today that only one was left. It appears to be in it's 5th instar and munching happily. I'm concerned, however, for it's well being. We're having a cold snap here in Charlotte, NC. Temps have been hovering in the 60s and overcast since yesterday. I moved the container into our gazebo and zipped up a couple of the canvas privacy walls to offer shelter from the rain and wind. Our friend is still happily munching away and very active.

My concern is should I bring the milkweed container into the house during this cold snap? What temperatures can the caterpillars survive? Would it mess up the little critter's biological clock if it went from this to our 74 degree house? Or should I just leave it outside? Should I stick some branches into the pot to offer a place for it to pupate?

So many questions. I so want to help the little guy out and for my 3 year old daughter to witness this little miracle. Any help is, as always, greatly appreciated. :)

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