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�Kalanchoe luciae -- I found a snail!

10 years ago

I have a problem. Just found a snail on my Kalanchoe luciae. I knocked it out of the pot, doused the snail with saltwater and sprayed the plant with a 50/50 vinegar-water solution.

I have several potted aloe vera and a foxtail agave pup I just received; my neighbors have several aloe as well as other plants.

This is the first time I've seen a snail since having plants outdoors and that was just a little over a year ago. I suspect the attraction is the Kalanchoe luciae since no other plant has ever had this problem. This was one snail, but is it a harbinger of more to come? Are the other plants now at risk?

This post was edited by Sharon_in_Houston on Wed, May 21, 14 at 20:55

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