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HELP with Monarch Caterpillars

16 years ago

This is my first year raising Monarchs, and I find it much harder than BSTs. For one thing, they don't always cling to the milkweed (I get the plants daily fresh from the park and keep it in bottles). I keep them in butterfly mesh terrariums.

Every time I change leaves/plants I have to take a "body count" because sometimes I find one or two on the wall of the terrarium (they are not in the stage to pupate!). why are they wandering off the food?? BSTs would never do that, they always cling to he food until they're ready to pupate.

Today I accidentally killed one of my precious Monarch cats because he sat on the zipper of the mesh cage, and when I opened the zipper...oh well, you get the drift.

Am I doing something wrong, or why do they sometimes go where they shouldn't??

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