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I don't think this is normal for a Kalanchoe Luciae

12 years ago

I potted this group of succulents (see pictures below) this winter and they've been doing alright, though maybe not great. The darndest thing, though is the kalanchoe. When I bought it it's leaves were all gathered vertically as you'll see in k. luciae photos on google images, but they almost immediately flexed down, recurving towards the soil once I transplanted it. The bottom leaves discolored very gradually, acquiring a rather unpleasant yellowish cast, so I eventually cut them off. I'm wondering about the general yellowish cast of the plant (shouldnt it have a more bluish hue?) and the position of its leaves. I was suspecting overwatering, but I really did only water the pot once a week at most, to the point where the haworthia got mildly desiccated. Final question about the kalanchoe is: what might have caused the strange deformed growth of its newest leaves? They're curving off to one side and one of them has a notch in it. (And yeah, it got a bit burnt when I put it outside in the spring, but it's healed right up and the damage is flaking off.)

Okay, and also, on a really final note this time, do you know what type of cactus I have?


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