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HAVE: Crimsion Beauty for other kannas or Bamboos

18 years ago

I took these pictures this morning and I have a lot of them, I am looking for other colours of cannas or any pretty ground covers, I am open for anything that will grow in zone 7 and will come back each year...

Here are the pictures of my Crimsion Beauty, they are only grow to about 4' tall, and a very agressive runner, spreads very fast...

The Mother plant,planted as a 3 culms division and it almost took over my wife's flower bed of 10'x10', I made divisions this spring, you can see it didn't hurt it a bit


One of the Baby's blooms...


You can see how they can stands up with the pretty Zinias


Another baby's bloom...


another pic of the mother plant


you can contact me at rogertse@yahoo.com

Thank you


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