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ID this echeveria, repotting

10 years ago

This one was just labeled Echeveria. Its leaves are pale, green at the base and with a pink tint further up.

No ID needed. Felt I needed something a little taller for some variety. Label says Echeveria Multicaulis.

Last one. Graptoveria Moonglow.

I've pulled the mystery echeveria out of its pot and am untangling the roots now. The soil had a lot of bark fibers that are making it a little difficult. How long can I keep the roots exposed? I'm not sure I'll be able to get it in soil before tomorrow (bad timing on my part)

Any tips on repotting? This is technically my second time but I was a little rushed the first time and didn't spend much time getting the old soil off, and I'd like to do it right this time.

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