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New plants; ID and advice on pot size needed.

15 years ago

So, just got an alluaudia procera, astrophytum asterias, and some kind of huernia or huerniopsis. Alluaudia. Astrophytum and huernia. Huge detail shot of the cactus.

First, I'm wondering if the pot sizes look okay for this. I'm worried I should've gone narrower on the Astrophytum, but as it stands, the smallest pot I had on hand was the one its in. It's pretty shallow, by the way. I also put some rocks around the outer edge of the pot to cut down on the amount of potting mix present.

I'm also not sure if the huernia and alluaudia should go bigger. Also, I watered the alluaudia because it's starting to leaf up. How of do I need to water when they're in leaf, and should I water the astrophytum in?

Finally, the site I ordered from didn't actually list a species for the Huernia/Huerniopsis. Anyone have any idea as to what it might be, or will I need to wait till it blooms?

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