Sorry this is long but I need help!
I would really like to tackle the eyesore that is this wall. No, I don't want to remove it because I appreciate the privacy, I just want something more organic than a super bright and massive wall. I'm not looking to completely carpet every inch of the wall in green, but at least to break it up and give interest to this side of the property.
The wall faces SOUTH and gets FULL SUN, as in all day long. There's a 2 ft strip running along the front facing the street and another 2 ft along the back facing the garages. The side facing the garages has Calla Lilies happily growing in it although I hope to improve that side too, but let's leave that for later.
The soil on this side is either just extremely dry, or really sandy (It's raining now so I'll check in the morning once it is soaked through). I'd like to plant within a couple of months, so if it's sandy, I figured I would just dig it out about 8-12" deep and fill it in with topsoil. Thoughts?
As for what to plant...
1) I'm really wanting at least one BOUGAINVILLEA towards the far corner or "back" of the property, and maybe even another near the center of the wall. Can regular pruning keep it less bushy without sacrificing flowers? I was thinking the back one could extend towards the center, and especially along the top section of the wall.
2) I'd also like to do another vine, perhaps trained on a lattice shaped wire. I was hoping for something like Star Jasmine if it can work in this location.
3) I did consider something more dense to highlight the step-like portion towards the front of the house. I like the look of Creeping Fig while it is growing out(see photo below), but not so much when it becomes a thick mass-like bush that overtakes the entire structure. Could regular pruning keep it looking more sparse? Is there an alternative you'd suggest or at least tips for maintaining the CF on this section of the wall?
I'm open to suggestions! For reference I like the pinkish orange tones of certain bougainvillea and deep purples along with green of course :)
Here you can see how insanely bright the wall looks.
This is coming from the opposite direction, where only the roof of my house is visible; it looks like I live behind a giant white wall.
This is what I meant with the Star Jasmine lattice. I think a lattice like this in the rectangular sections of the wall would look really lovely...
Creeping Fig looking more sparse.
(Posted similar topic to Landscape Forum and Vines forum, and got redirected here. Not sure why I didn't think to ask some natives first!)
oberciOriginal Author
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hoovb zone 9 sunset 23
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