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HAVE: Free Purple Wisteria -- 3 years old

I have a purple wisteria, probably Chinese wisteria, that I grew from a cutting three years ago, off my mom's wisteria. It is a very reliable bloomer, even bloomed the first year as a small cutting. It blooms profusely in the spring and is sprinkled w/blooms through summer. I adore wisteria but my yard is small, I planted it close to a shared fence, and I have a young child and don't spend as much time gardening as I used to; I can tell I won't be able to keep up w/the vine now that it's really taking off (I was in denial for the previous years).

I would like some help to dig it up and unwind it from the pergola, but it's free to whoever can give it a larger home. Even if you choose to cut it down completely, I am confident it will re-sprout from the roots. I plan to replace it w/Hardenbergia, a smaller cousin.


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