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A variegata Blooms (photo)and more pipevine cats

Mary Leek
10 years ago

... the red ring milkweed is blooming it's head off. I so hope we can get a least one seed pod this year. Just one seedpod would provide between 100-200 seeds. Is this too much to hope for? :-) I do notice the wild honeybee's feeding on it plus ants and the orange/yellow insects crawling all over the blooms. Maybe someone will inadvertently pollinate a blossom.

A variegata - aka Red Ring Milkweed


Cannot find any evidence of a mama Monarch having visited while I was gone. BUT... the 'Silky Red' or 'Silky Deep Red' Tropical Milkweed - A curassavica is blooming, with many new buds developing. There should be seed pods this fall, and if so, there will be seed to share of this variety of tropical milkweed. In my garden, it appears to be a stronger plant than the standard orange/yellow tropical MW and I've read it is possible it will come back from the roots in zones 7 and higher. Plus, the blooms are a deeper and more vivid color. I hope the monarchs favor it.

'Silky Deep Red' Tropical Milkweed - A curassavica


there are new Pipevine cats on the pipevines.

Also discovered Pipevine cats on the Virginia Snakeroot (Aristolochia serpentaria), which is doing real well this year. Maybe it's finally developed a good root structure. I side dressed this spring with Miss Sherry's famous 'chicken manure' and I believe that may have helped!


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