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TyTy Bulb Co....They're Baaaaack

Well, I felt a little CHAD attack and thought I'd go on the net to see what's still available. Tyty has they strangest site. Is it just me, or are their photos mixed up? Look at Minerva and then look at United Nations? Especially the group of UN people with a UN bloom. They are just sticking whatever where ever and calling it something!



Comments (15)

  • larschar
    15 years ago

    Yeah, I've checked out their site before. I don't get it. Those pics were so RANDOM and out of place. Then, I was reading a review of their service on another site and they were going on and on about how it's run by a little old lady. That is the STRANGEST site for a little old lady to have. There were pics of hot girls posing by the flowers when I was looking at it. lol It really brings the laughs!

  • ryan820
    15 years ago

    Maybe she's living vicariously through her young models. Its been known to happen before-- to men mostly, but old ladies aren't immune.

  • chazparas
    15 years ago

    OMG, stay away from tyty! They were removed from gardenwatchdog for some reason, but they had horrible reviews.

  • kaboehm (zone 9a, TX USA)
    Original Author
    15 years ago's always the young men posing with scapes. Ryan, please interpret starting....NOW!

  • larschar
    15 years ago

    hahahahahahahahahahaaaa.....young men posing with scapes. The forum is better than ANYTHING to make me giggle.

  • frank27603
    15 years ago

    Ya'll are making me laugh out loud at my desk!!!

    That little old lady is rocking it out isn't she? Remember the number 1 rule in advertising...hehe!

    Keep at it old lady and we just know to look, but don't touch...HAHA!


  • ryan820
    15 years ago

    Well I could go into the Freudian nuances of scapes, bulbs and men, but the audience, I feel, is not ready for such levity. I do have to say, though, that despite their odd form of product marketing, they do in fact have us here talking about them. Successful adverts? Depends on how you look at it. It reminds me of Volkswagon's adverts, which I detest, in that they are awfully weird yet get people to talk about them. Whether or not they result in sales is another story.

    I don't really care for Freud. He was a bit of a nutcase himself-- though I do recognize his contribution to the psychological field. No one psych theory holds true-- each, though, adds what seem to be pieces of how things actually work. I much prefer Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. And if this is an old lady who runs this TyTy site, then perhaps she's living vicariously through her young models *shudder* which is creepy but I think Freud's theory would best explain this sites strange behavior.

    Then again, maybe this is all a conduit for this old lady's self-actualization!

    Is anyone else really disturbed by this seemingly homicidal deer, and the fact that its eat blueberries high off the ground and in what looks like winter? Global change, people...its here and the deer are mad.

  • jodik_gw
    15 years ago

    I only briefly viewed TyTy's website when I first began collecting bulbs... everyone I have spoken with agrees that they are a very poor source for anything, and we should all steer very clear!

    I'm not certain why their poor review was removed from Garden Watchdog, but I would hazard a guess and say that TyTy's attorney probably wrote them a letter threatening a lawsuit for defamation of character, so Dave's took it down... I'll never consider purchasing anything from that company, no matter how hard up I am for new bulbs... and not a word from the peanut gallery regarding my last sentence! (snicker!)

    When I did view their website, I couldn't make heads or tails of any of their advertising ploys... it makes no sense to me. I'm not at all interested in viewing models or artwork along with bulbs or flowers. I think Hippeastrums are fully able to stand alone, and need no help selling themselves.

    As for the comedy, I'm too cold to laugh right now... it may be bright and sunny out there, but it's a lie! It feels like a below zero day! Freud may have been a nutcase, but then again, he never met any of us!

  • kitty747
    15 years ago

    Personally, I'm with Maslow - shelter, food, and hippis!
    Is Ty Ty for real? They must think we're all idiots. Blueberries do not grow when there's snow. I have over two dozen bushes (and yes, they do grow to six feet), but they're all done by the end of July or beginning of August. The fox ate my cat, but I doubt it eats fruit. And anybody that stands there and feeds deer out of their hand should be shot. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • rjinga
    15 years ago

    What about the "young stud" posing for the ad on subliminal message there eh?

    I get the creeps from that site and I figure if I get that kind of weird vibe, then I am no way going to order anything from them. So if voyerism (spelling)/peeping is what they are after, that seems to be working, selling goods, well that remains to be seen.

  • anna_in_quebec
    15 years ago

    "The Lilac Amaryllis bloom and plants thrive when planted near swimming pools." Good grief - this site IS weird!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Lilac Amaryllis

  • Noni Morrison
    15 years ago

    Jodi, you said it...the site gives me the creeps too! But I had to check out the deer...guess what in the Pacific Northwest we do have deer who eat blueberries in the winter, from our Pacific Coast Huckleberry. But the berries are black, not blue, and much tinier. And I am sure that is a stuffed deer head sprayed with fake snow!

    Unlike here where the deer are getting a good dose of it right now...very unusual weather for us!

  • jodik_gw
    15 years ago

    I've heard such horror stories from people who've ordered from that company... getting dying plants and not getting refunds or replacements, not getting what they ordered... no thanks! I don't know who does their website, but I hope they got paid.

  • larschar
    15 years ago

    Ryan, have you ever seen The Life Aquatic? The deer has "Zie crazy eyes." God, I love Willem Dafoe.

  • frank27603
    15 years ago

    Shouldn't you take pause before ordering from a company that has clear instructions on replacement and a replacement application right there on the same list of options as the order form and other buying info??? Its like they already expect problems even before you place your order...LOL!

    BTW That classification of the deer as "homicidal" almost made me spit my drink! Kudos Ryan!


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