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What about a secret seed swap over here?

16 years ago

I think it would be neat to have a secret seed swap. update your seeds lists and Anyone interested could let me know and I would draw names to match people up. You can do 1 or 2 trades. All fresh seeds. Brugs and flowers, Heirloom tomatos whatever. Just post your dont wants and hope it works out. Nothing invasive!! The deadline for send off Could be January 30. Send it sooner if you can. Dont agree if your not sure you can send your end but I figured with all of us looking at these seed catalogs it would be a fun time to seperate a few seeds for some one else.

1. @ least 10 packs with @ least 5 seeds per pack if rare or more.

2.All fresh seeds no left overs from years back.

Nothing invasive.

3.I can pair everyone up and then everyone can get in contact with their partner imeditaly for their address.

4. Bubble Mailer

5. Nothing has to be mailed yet unless your ready. It would be nice if you could both mail @ around the same time.

6. Send as many as you want but @ least 10 packs.

Growing instructions are opitional.

7. List 1 or 2 trades if you want.

8. Be patient with me.

9. If anyoneelse knows a better way to do this feel free Im winging it. LOL

10.Must have name clearly written on each pack.

11.No duplicates.

12.Indicate if you want veggies or not on your post here.

No promises you get what you ask for but it would be nice if you luck up with something really neat.

  1. You can also list where the seeds came from in case it is something you really like and want to order more next year.

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