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Succulent ID

12 years ago

Hello! I'm new here. I bought several succulents over the last week and a half (to add to the jade, silver jade, and semp I already have), and I need some help IDing them.

I uploaded these photos via facebook but they should be viewable by everyone. Let me know if there are any problems. They were taken with my phone, too, so I apologize for the poor quality.

The whole set.

This is kalanchoe tomentosa, right? I have a few leaves of this species from elsewhere trying to root but I'm not very familiar with the species.

No idea what this is. Someone at the shop said it might be an echeveria.

Grapto-something maybe? They're growing on pretty long stems, little sign of trailing or drooping yet though.

Don't know what this is. It's got the same powder on it as the pachyphytum.

The tag said "pachyphytum var." and called it "Moonstones." This is pachyphytum ovifera, right?

Some kind of echeveria? Someone at the shop said aeonium but I've never seen an aeonium that looks like this (but I haven't seen very many :).

I've seen these purple things before but not in the context of succulents. Those three leaves? are the only thing on the long stem which goes all the way into the ground. I wasn't even sure it was alive until its leaves? opened up with the sun this morning.
EDIT: This is oxalis triangularis, correct?

Thanks! This forum has been a big help to me.

This post was edited by JAndrews on Fri, Jan 4, 13 at 12:23

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