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HAVE: Have: Barrel cacti seeds / prickly pear cuttings

18 years ago

I have Ferocactus wislizenii and F. rectispina seeds and one or two others (unidentified barrel cacti). I am also able to obtain cuttings from several native varieties of Chihuahuan Desert (NM) prickly pear cacti (Opuntia spp.). These are hardy to Zone 7. Possibly some other wild collected desert plant seeds. Echinocereus triglochiadatus (Claret-Cup) cuttings that should be rooted by next spring (some of these appear to be the larger 'White Sands'strain). Maybe some other cacti cuttings or rooted cuttings.

I am interested in trading for hardy cacti and xeriscape plants or seeds. What do you have to offer?
