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How to get more Amaryllis bulbs

Noni Morrison
15 years ago

Send hubby off on 4 week trip overseas for work.

Tackle fall gardening by yourself. Including the overgown parts neglected for the last 4 years of so... Accept offer of fall bearing raspberries from friend. Figure that they can go in those overgown bulb beds. Start tearing off 4 years of grass and weeds. Beautiful fall afternoon. Bring beagle out to garden on tie out cord and tie her around the old stump. Let puppy romp around her. Watch both dogs having fun. Get camera. Have son bring fresh coffee to garden. Take pictures of dogs. enjoy coffee. Set mug and camera on top of stump and go back to work.

Trip over beagles cord. Do face plant. Decide nose is broken. Think Neck might be too. Feel all alone in the world...son is not going to hear you yell from house. Get up clutching nose. Somehow talk to house. GLasse sare twisted out of shape. SOn gets ice. Sit down and lay back in recliner. Eventually decide that you may live after all, nose is probably not broken and pain in neck is normal after such a fall. Glasses however will need expert help.

While feeling sorry for self, pick up lap top. See advertisement from ROyal Colors. Decide that husband owes you flowers.

While in state of shock, order

Hercules 1

Monte Carlo 1

Promise 1

Lady Jane 1

Zombie 1

Alfresco 1

Feel better immediately.

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