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Mangos here in the Valley

19 years ago

So, Ive been reading a BUNCH on Mango cultivation. BUT, as we all know, growing stuff here isnt like growing anywhere else. SO, Ill ask the experts: Ill put my Keitt in the ground come spring time, but for now, Ive been reading that creating rapid and excellent drainage may be the key to wintering over Mangos here in the valley. Since my soil is pretty heavy, I was considering amending the general area with material to lighten it and give it better drainage. Then, let it sit and compact a bit over the winter, awaiting planting in the spring. The soil currently passes the "fill a 2 foot deep hole with water...." test, but is composed of pretty fine clay mixed with other riverbottom material (though very little sand, hence the slow drainage). Some notes from CA growers say that soils that stay wet for a prolonged period are what has caused root rot to set in on their mangos during winter. My soil, though it drains relatively well, stays pretty moist for a while.

Whew. Okay, now, what are the suggestions from you rare fruiters (and others) out there? What has worked, what hasnt, what soil profiles do you recommend, etc. Exposure will be to the south, with light also hitting the plant from the East (partially shaded from the early morning sun by my house). Thanks for listening to my obsessive rambling about my trees.....=)


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