Best company to order Amaryllis Bulbs?
12 years ago
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- 12 years ago
- 12 years ago
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newbie, where are best places to buy/order bulbs?
Comments (8)happyday, by this late in the season most bulb suppliers are sold out of spring flowering bulbs or what they have left are the dregs and not worth buying. Even bulbs for forcing should have been started sometime ago (the common recommendation is by the end of October)....most require at least 8 weeks of a chill period (some even longer - hyacinths need 12-13 weeks) and then there's some regular growing time involved. So if planted today, you're looking at somewhere in the middle of April at the earliest before these bulbs might be expected to bloom.....not much earlier, if at all, from when they'd bloom naturally in the ground. Paperwhites are a bit different - they require no chill period, are usually already sprouted when purchased and often bloom within a couple of weeks of being planted indoors. And since they are not reliably hardy outdoors in much of the country, I'd expect M&Z to ship these bulbs out now....See Morebest mail order companies is the best?
Comments (12)It's kind of late, but I recommend John Scheepers/ Van Engelen, Brent and Becky's Bulbs, Odyssey Bulbs, Old House Gardens and Colorblends. For lilies, I like The Lily Garden--just be aware it's a little company and they are slow to charge your card and/or cash your check. They send the bulbs when the bulbs are "ready". Dutch Gardens is basically okay, but don't buy bare-root perennials from them. Quality from Park's and Wayside Gardens is good for bulbs--avoid the non-bulb plants. Same goes for White Flower Farm (WFF). WFF seems to have reduced their prices for bulbs to about the industry standard--they used to be hideously overpriced. Avoid Michigan Bulb, Van Dyck's, Breck's and Van Bourgondien. Check out ANY merchant at before buying. Generally speaking, I prefer those merchants who have at least an 80% positive rating--and be sure to read the negative ratings. Some of the posters are just whiners ("I planted my bulbs, then it flooded and the company wouldn't refund my money...") and can be ignored. Others have legitimate complaints. For those of you who want really unusual, unique stuff, I have tried Telos Rare Bulbs, Jane McGary and am trying Far West Bulb Farm. So far no complaints. There are a couple other daffodil vendors out there I want to try, too, and a guy who specializes in snowdrops. By this point you probably will have joined several plant societies and know about the specialist suppliers anyways :-)...See MoreAmaryllis Bulb Company shipment due next MOnday!
Comments (44)Cheers to Soultan for coordinating our Aussie order! Looking forward to these bulbs may help me to recover from the frustration and disappointment of having Terri "The Lily Lady" abruptly cancel a large order without any notice other than this automated email message: Thank you for shopping with The Lily Lady. This automated e-mail serves as confirmation that your order has been refunded. Please do not reply to this e-mail. The message was sent right before Terri left for her Christmas holiday and became unreachable via email or telephone until January 3rd. Valentine's day is going to be a lot less colorful. Insert long sigh here!!! I send you all my warmest holiday greetings along with the hope that your bulbs are healthy and that they bloom profusely in the coming weeks....See MoreBest Place to Order Tulip bulbs
Comments (3)Vesey's seeds has a very nice selection of bulbs and it's a Canadian company. I have ordered seeds from them before, but I've never ordered bulbs. They are very good about things if there is a problem with their products and what I have ordered from them was always top quality. I don't plant anything with my bulbs. I plant the early season tulips and they are finished by the time my perennials are ready to take over. I plant them in clumps of 3 to 5 bulbs throughout my beds. When they are up and blooming the perennials are growing also so I have clumps of green throughout the beds. When the tulips and daffodils are finished I plant spreading annuals--usually petunias--next to where the bulbs are and they cover in what would be a bare spot, where the tulips and daffodils are....See MoreRelated Professionals
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