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Chicago area fall plant/seed swap

14 years ago

I would like to start a new tread about wants/ haves and invite people to come to our plant swap

Sep 12

10 am-12 pm which is Sat.

Plants, seeds, bulbs, cuttings that will root easily like coleus, houseplants- use your discretion what you could bring.

I will provide small seed envy, if you bring your extra seeds in bulk.

Location is Skokie, for details directions pls email me.

Presently I have plants

armenian basket flower- lots

painted daisy- some is starting to bloom

malva Merlin

corydalis lutea

lobelia siphylitica blue and white forms

fern ostrich

some various primulas

white primrose- oenothera pallida

tradescantia Concord Grape

Campnanula trachelum blue

several different astilbes

heuchera villosa purpurea

several different thalictrums

sea lavender

hollyhock seedlings

am not sure what seeds will be available at that time...

Comments (13)

  • pitimpinai
    14 years ago

    I would love to go to the swap. I had such a great time at the spring swap.
    Unfortunately, I have been very ill and still in the hospital. I have not had time to pot up any more plants as planned.

    I will be out of the hospital by Sept. 12, but will still have no energy to go to the swap. Bummer......


  • october17
    14 years ago

    Pit - where do you live? I'll come and pick you up! No problem.

    Along with Pit, I'll also be bringing:

    lobelia cardinalis seed
    great blue lobelia seed
    a coleus for cuttings (very pretty with lime green edge)

    and, if anyone would like some, seeds for the very large milkweed plants (I have some that are 8')

    Gosh, my wish list is for seeds for anything good for butterfly nectaring. And, perennial poppy. And, any raspberry or blackberry or even wolfberry anyone can spare!

    I'll be making something to bring also, maybe a white wine punch! I'll bring chips cause I hope someone can bring some homegrown/homemade pico (my tomatoes and peppers are not doing well at all - will be turning veggie garden into butterfly heaven and berrie patch for next year).

  • stage_rat
    14 years ago

    Mone, I'm glad you're feeling well enough to post on GW, at least! We will miss you, but I understand if you don't want to overexert yourself. But if you get a burst of energy that day, come by and say hi! Are there any seeds or plants you're looking for? If there are, let us know! By the way, I was just in Millennium Park, and there were some neat plants blooming that I didn't recognize (and which weren't on their ID board). Do you have all their plants figured out already? If so, I'll ask you what they are, and not the Plant ID forum.

    Lindalana, I would super-duperly love red painted daisies, but I like the pinky ones too. And I love the yellow thalictrum I got from you before, so any other thalictrum would be wonderful. Maybe an astilbe or two for Scott's hosta garden? It's under a maple--would they be too dry? I have an epimedium pubigerum I'll swap with you ;)

    October, I should be able to bring you some more raspberries--and hopefully in better shape, too! I hope those survived. I'll bring the agastache. I should be able to root a cutting of purple buddleia, unless you already have that. You would think the butterflies were glued to that thing. I think I'd like a cutting of your coleus. I have a nice coleus I could bring cuttings of, too.

    If anyone has red coleus they could bring cuttings of, I'd love them. Also wanted: cuttings (rooted or not) of monarda raspberry wine. And I'm interested in late summer-fall blooming plants I don't already have (or that the deer don't like). And really short shasta daisies. And rudbeckia with small flowers or light yellow flowers. And coneflowers. I'd love plants or seeds of all the above, except I do have a lot of coneflower seeds. (except the E. paradoxa, I'd like that!)

    I've been working on updating my seed list, take a look and feel free to ask for something. If it's something I'm low on, I'll let you know (I haven't done a tomato seed inventory)

  • karendee
    14 years ago

    I was sorry to hear you have been sick Pitt! Get well soon!

    I am still planning on coming.

    I have available
    Wormwood (silver mound)
    Stella Daylilly
    a red climbing rose I need to dig up if anyone is interested (it sprouted from the roots of another rose and it is not in a good spot)

    I still don't have a lot to offer... I will bring some snacks etc.

    I am wanting
    Bee Balm
    Russian Sage
    any shorter plants (alyssum like) for border edges

    Any thing is fine with me :)

    I also can bring some seeds I might have then. I have been gathering them this year. I always have lots of coneflower and will have some cleome left.


  • gonativegal
    14 years ago

    I was planning on coming too -

    I cut down all my Nigella (Love in the Mist)and collected all the seeds - I should have enough to put together several packets for folks and bring.

    As for plants - I will have to dig some, I have very little potted up currently.

    I was thinking of potting up a few containers - Orange coneflower (R. fulgida) this is the straight species not 'Goldsturm' It blooms much longer and is much more disease resistant.

    Plus some Carex bicknelli (Bicknelli's Sedge) and (Ruellia humilis) Wild Petunia. My DH says I have too many of these and some has to go. They're really pretty plants though and very unusual.

  • pitimpinai
    14 years ago

    Thanks, everyone.
    October, I live in the NW side of Chicago. What I really meant was that I would not have enough endergy to pot things up for the swap.

    I only potted up a couple things before I came back to the hopsital. The plan is that I'll be discharged late Friday, but I will still be on medications for several more weeks after discharges & going back to see my doctors every week for a few months.

    I meant to come begging Ellen for a few more Primula seiboldii, wild ginger, a piece of Ornamental Rhubarb and yellow epimedium. :-D

    Thalictrum may be nice too, because I don't have any.

    I'll see if I can come over.

  • sheltieche
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    for those of you who divides their plants I think it is perfectly fine if you dig up and bring it alone in plastic bag, moistened but not potted as long as it had decent root ball to go with.
    Mone if you have energy to swing by, I think everybody would be delighted. Primula sieboldii has gone dormant so all I could give you piece of soil and hope there is plant there LOL
    it is one of the primulas that completely dies back. I do have few others, with this cold summer my primulas are still blooming...
    I would love some fancy coleus cuttings
    I will pot up few seedlings of aconitum napellus and see if they survive.
    If anyone want to add petasites japonicus purpurea to their garden be my guest
    am not sure about rhubarb have to check what is growing there it did not bloom this year and it is rarely produces babies.

  • october17
    14 years ago

    Pit - you brought plenty in the spring. Take a break. Just come to sit and chat and enjoy!

    Oh, stagerat - if you still want some, I have some Forget-me-not seeds. I couldn't believe how long they bloomed! And I was really surprised how much the bees and hummers liked them! All this time I thought they just bloomed a couple weeks in the spring.

  • pitimpinai
    14 years ago

    Thanks, October17.
    I came home late yesterday afternoon.
    Will see how I do by Sept 12.
    Would really love to come visit.


  • stage_rat
    14 years ago

    Yay! I'm glad you're doing better and are out of the hospital, pitimpinai!

    October, sure, I'd love forget-me-not seeds! I finally got a few to bloom this year, but may have missed the seeds already--they're buried under purple perilla now. I want f-m-n everywhere!

    Gonativegal, I would love some ruellia. I tried that from seed, but didn't get any sprouts.

  • v1rt
    14 years ago


    I remember Ellen's f-m-n and they were beside the coral bells! It was stunning!


    Did you see my email?

  • karendee
    14 years ago

    Yeah pitimpinai is home!!
    I hope you are healing quickly. I think we would unserstand if you are too tired to come but it sure would be nice to see you. I have lots of your plants in my garden so you have given me plenty!!!

    I plan to divide some plants that are hardy and just wrap them well and keep moist.

    I am getting excited. I loved the last swap. It was fun to look at plants and chat with gardeners. I have a lot to learn!!

    I can't wait to see what everyone brings!!


  • jas_il
    14 years ago

    Mone, so glad that you are back from hospital. Praying for you and wishing speedy recovery.

    I have collected so far:
    Balsamina impatience
    batchler's button
    Lettuce butter crunch
    Sweet william

    I have made more than 75 packets so far and might be able to make more before the swap.

    I have some rooted coleus cuttings of rainbow variety and some other plants too.

