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Growing lotus from seed

21 years ago

I've created a small Web site showing photos of
lotus seed germination and the growth of seedlings
. I'm frightfully pleased with my success (so far!), thanks to information I've gathered on this forum, and hope this photgraphic record will help others interested in starting their own lotus.


Comments (46)

  • raincrone

    I would like to grow native yellow lotus in a farm-type, earth-bottom pond near the place where my parents are buried. Can lotus be seeded directly into the soil of the pond-bottom, and if so, how deep (in the soil and in the water) do I plant? And do I pile pebbles/gravel/whatever over the site to keep fish and
    ducks from snarfing up the young plants, and if so, do I do it immediately or wait till the plants are well up?

    I'm afraid I know the answer to this, but is it absolutely too late (in late August) to do this in Zone 6? Or if the seeds _must_ be germinated indoors and then planted out, is it too late for that?


  • raincrone

    I would like to grow native yellow lotus in a farm-type, earth-bottom pond near the place where my parents are buried. Can lotus be seeded directly into the soil of the pond-bottom, and if so, how deep (in the soil and in the water) do I plant? And do I pile pebbles/gravel/whatever over the site to keep fish and
    ducks from snarfing up the young plants, and if so, do I do it immediately or wait till the plants are well up?

    I'm afraid I know the answer to this, but is it absolutely too late (in late August) to do this in Zone 6? Or if the seeds _must_ be germinated indoors and then planted out, is it too late for that?


  • Related Discussions

    Lotus from seed - brown spots on first leaves


    Comments (3)
    You aren't using tap water are you? When I started my lotus last year I began with distilled water and later rain water, but at one point I used some tap water to top off the water that had evaporated and it burned several leaves: Two leaves had dried up completely, one was partially burned, and the last was saved when I flushed the water out with more distilled water. I suspect it's chlorine (or chloramine) that did it.
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    Lotus Questions


    Comments (14)
    I'm a newbie at growing lotus from seed, but have researched it and tried different methods to the point that I found what works best for me. The first couple ended badly but lately I have had great success. Lessons learned, change the water daily, protect the new seedling from the commotion of heavy rainfall and wind while in the cup, place a small rock on top of the seed in the pot so the leaf doesn't float it while waiting to root, and if you're going to put it in a natural pond put a cage around it so the ducks don't eat it. Here's the steps I take: 1. I use a dremel with a sanding wheel to grind a hole in the pointy end until I see white. 2. I put the seed in a small cup of distilled water in my barn and change the water daily. 3. Once the lotus sprouts and the sprout grows to 2", I place it in the pot it will grow in. 4. I've been using 18gal muck buckets to grow the lotus, it has 3" of fresh horse manure, covered with 3"-4" of composted manure, topped with 1" of Special Kitty cat litter. I fill the bucket with water to the top of the litter, let it soak in, fill it until the water is 4"-6" above the litter, and add more water as the leaves develop. Here is a link that might be useful:
    ...See More

    wanted: wanted: hardy, blue lotus seeds & waterlily seeds


    Comments (0)
    I have been too afraid of trying to grow lotus from seeds, but now that I finally found some good instructions, these seeds seem to suddenly be sold out everywhere. Does anyone here have some HARDY BLUE lotus seeds or HARDY BLUE waterlily seeds to give away? I live in Brooklyn, NY and would love some. I have lots of plants with which to barter, but I don't trust myself to mail anything properly. Almost all my plants are fully grown and too large to send anyway. However, I would love to exchange my many perennials from my organic garden for aquatic bulbs or plants. I am also looking for oxygenating plants. I live right near the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and we can combine a visit there with a plant exchange.
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    Growing store bought lotus?


    Comments (20)
    Butterfly, I definitely will come back to update. I think I have gone furthest this time is because I put them all into big pond fairly early, so I didn't have to worry about the water quality, the lotus didn't have a chance to rot. Good luck with your lotus seeds. As for pond tab, I remember experts at this forum recommended using tomato spike, they said it works very well and is much cheaper. You may want to look into that. I never try that because I have lots of fish in my pond, the water is very rich. Water Lilly can grow without soil.
    ...See More
  • raincrone

    I would like to grow native yellow lotus in a farm-type, earth-bottom pond near the place where my parents are buried. Can lotus be seeded directly into the soil of the pond-bottom, and if so, how deep (in the soil and in the water) do I plant? And do I pile pebbles/gravel/whatever over the site to keep fish and
    ducks from snarfing up the young plants, and if so, do I do it immediately or wait till the plants are well up?

    I'm afraid I know the answer to this, but is it absolutely too late (in late August) to do this in Zone 6? Or if the seeds _must_ be germinated indoors and then planted out, is it too late for that?


  • lynster
    21 years ago

    just want to thank you for doing that...... i had lotus seeds which i was afraid to start...... they are now 6 inches long and into the mud...... :)

  • missa
    21 years ago

    I found that starting lotus seed in a tropical fish tank with the fish worked well. This was just an idea, thought perhaps someone who has a tank would try. Its rather easy! And if you had snails the snails love to feed on lotus seeds and it makes it easy to remove them from the tank when they feed on them. Missa

  • SunaMoon
    21 years ago

    great page thank you so much for putting it together. This is the first year i am going to try to grow lotus from seed also. Your page has helped me trendously. congratulations on the sucess of your great new plants!


  • Lotusman
    21 years ago

    What a good job you did with your lotus seed info page. What kind of lotus did you plant?


  • glycera
    Original Author
    21 years ago


    The seeds are from a Perry's Giant Sunburst, which is a hybrid, so I have no idea what I'll get when these plants mature.

    By the way, I almost killed the poor things. They got spider mites on them (a problem in my greenhouse), and I automatically sprayed them with a pyrethrin-based spray: BAD IDEA!! It burned the leaves badly, although the plants seem to have recovered and are pushing up new leaves like gangbusters. All five of the seeds have sprouted successfully, and some of the leaves are now growing above the water.

    Construction on my pond is starting next week, (it seems a silly thing to do in the middle of this exceptionally severe drought!) so I should have an outside home for my lotus next spring, assuming we ever have our ban on outdoor water use lifted.


  • hostalavista
    21 years ago

    You mean to tell me that they are that big in less than a month? Are those 2&1/2 gallon buckets? How wonderful! Linda

  • glycera
    Original Author
    21 years ago


    Well, no. The leaves begin above water, but then they flop over as the leaves unroll and grow larger. And my buckets are only about 1 gal in size, so I'm worried if that will be enough to see them through until next spring. This is known as learning on the job!


  • Idalia
    21 years ago

    I got a lotus from a friend in a pot. She had transplanted it and it wasn't doing too good, didn't think it was gonna make it. Then suddenly, it took of growing. Started putting out a lot of leaves and runners. These runners had little roots growing near the leaves. The runners would grow out from under the pot, and come up out of the water with leaves. So I cut off each of these little 'rootings' and planted them. Will they 'take'? has anyone ever grown lotus this way?

  • butterfly2
    21 years ago

    I read that it takes 2 yrs to bloom when you grow from seed. Is this correct?

  • pondguys
    21 years ago

    I have lotus to bloom this year started from seed this spring. Guess it depends on how healthy the plant is and how it is taken care of.

  • kerbies
    21 years ago

    Thanks so much! Linda

    Your web-torial is wonderful!. I got into this by accident and had seeds soaking for weeks!
    When I thought that I had drowned them, I turned to the web, I am so glad..... My next seeds (from real lotus growers) sprouted in the same time frame. If not for the wonderful pages you put together, my lotus adventure would never have started!

  • kerbies
    21 years ago

    Thanks so much!

    Your web-torial is wonderful!. I got into this by accident and had seeds soaking for weeks!
    When I thought that I had drowned them, I turned to the web, I am so glad..... My next seeds (from real lotus growers) sprouted in the same time frame. If not for the wonderful pages you put together, my lotus adventure would never have started!

  • orcuttnyc
    21 years ago

    I'm still having probs. The seeds sprout, grow, get put in three inches of garden soil, under four inches of water...they pop up above the surface, brown out and die..I baked the soil, remove any fertilizer, let the water i'm using sit for a few days to rid it of chlorine..I don't know what else to try..

  • Ditzzy
    21 years ago

    Does anyone if the seeds from dried lotus pods available at the craft store for dried arrangements are viable?

  • BerniceZone7
    20 years ago

    A friend and myself started some lotus seeds from some dried arrangements from a flower department. That was 3 years ago and she now has a plant that is putting up leaves once again. We are hoping it will bloom this year.

  • mina
    20 years ago

    I used this technique to start my lotus seeds. I have two sprouts out of four so far.


  • kikikalena
    20 years ago

    Missa, I was wondering how you sprout lotus seeds in an aquarium. I have some lotus seeds I want to sprout and an aquarium sounds easy!

    Margaret, awesome page about sprouting your seeds....How are they doing now?


  • mina
    20 years ago

    Hi Laura here again. I have seven seeds in a pot and so far, I have one seed that started to send out a shoot and then it stalled. I am wondering if it is dead or will it start growing again? I think this happened when I put the seeds outside for a couple of days and the temps in the pot got too cold.

    One shoot is growing gangbusters and it was started at the same time as this other one.

    The other seed was not scarified enough and has absorbed no water and never sprouted. One other seed looks like it might send out a shoot but for now is just expanding and opening up its shell.

    All of the others were scarified about a week ago and aren't doing anything at all.

    I guess I thought this would be easy. I am surprised I only have one shoot going well so far. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

    Thanks. Laura

  • venezuela
    20 years ago

    What great imformation, and a great presentation. Makes me want to go right out and get some seeds and start!

  • anthirum
    20 years ago

    Given the right conditions, these plants are very rewarding and beautiful. Lovely website!

  • joysoon
    20 years ago

    After reading the the posting (thank you so much!) I'd like to acquire some lotus seed for planting. If anyone from of philippines have some lotus seeds to spare please let me know asap!


  • Horus
    20 years ago

    wow. great website. I've been growing lotus from seed for a few years now and I'm curious what kind of fertilizer tabs you are using as well as your feeding schedule. thanks.

  • catslap
    20 years ago

    what a wonderful website! i'm totally inspired to grow my own lotus now! thank you!

  • Cheah_yee
    20 years ago

    Can anyone tell me for how long we can keep the lotus seed ?
    And how to keep the lotus seeds ? Is it under normal room temperature or in a cooler place ? Thanks in advance !

  • dendy
    20 years ago

    IF ever you have spider mites please use liquid seaweed 1oz to a gallon of water and fill your sprayer and those suckers are dead. And your plants lvoe you for it as it fertilizes them too. Or try Bioganic by Green Light. It is all organic and none of it will turn your leaves brown unless you do it in the hottest of the day. Neither of that stuff will harm fish either. Use the sprays in the cool of the morning or early evening. *S*

    BTW - BEWARE Pyrethrum and Piperonyl Butoxide (PBO)

    You have done a FANTASTIC job! I am just now starting my lotus collection from seeds and I am patiently (cough cough) hoping they turn out like yours. *S*

    Thank you so much for sharing your progress with us!

  • Audrey
    20 years ago

    Margaret, your lotus tutorial is beautiful!

    To the person wondering about how long the seed will keep: Some archaeologists found some lotus seeds in what had once been a lake bed (Africa? Middle East? Can't remember) The seeds were a couple thousand years old, and they germinated. Wish I could give you a reference, but it has been a long time since I read it. National Geographic?

  • lilycrazy
    20 years ago

    Wow !!!! I am speechless !!! Can anyone guess what I'll be doing this weekend ??? Hahahahahaha I am so inspired by you Margaret !! That was incredible. I want a lotus so badly !!!

  • Sherrie_Florida
    19 years ago

    I have a large lotus plant that has had 2 flowers. The
    petals fell off and it left a number of seeds. I took
    off the seeds and put them in water. My puppies got the
    pot and chewed a number of the seeds so I put the broken
    seeds back in the water. This wasn't as nice as you did
    yours Margaret, but I will try anyway. Do you think it
    might work anyway? I am very impressed with your work.

  • sandy0225
    19 years ago

    Margaret, I love your website! I used it and got 100% germination on my 15 water lotus seeds--much better than I expected. Thanks so much!!!

  • ThePhil
    19 years ago

    I want to grow some lotus from seeds. Where can i get some seeds? Websites or stores or what?

  • lonmay
    19 years ago

    I am impressed by the knowledge of the members. 2 questions
    1 on there is an acount of drilling holes in seeds to get germination also describes keeping in special water, not clean and changed. Any comments?
    2. Why can't I print out some of the pages? some good tips given.

  • sandy0225
    19 years ago

    I also used your website and now have 13 lotus plant babies. I planted them 1 month ago and now they all have 6 leaves! I had 13/14 germination and they are all still doing well! Thanks so much for the information, I would have never been able to do so well without your help!

  • Talljohny
    19 years ago

    I live in California. I want to buy lotus seed and learn to grow the plant,please tell me where can I buy lotus seed from my state and what month I can start.

  • Carole39
    19 years ago

    Wow!! from me too! Started out looking for help as to why my lotus has never bloomed, this yr only one aerial leaf and that not healthy, I assume because my pond is now innundated with too much shade, darn trees! Thanks Margaret!

  • aquawise
    16 years ago

    I have tried this seeds thing many times each time I learn something new. Thus I can say that water temp is critical in going from sprout to plant. My expiramental seeds came from the local craft shop. Every one sprouted.

  • subhunter
    14 years ago

    I just have been bitten by the lotus bug this year.I placed 7 of my seeds in my pond water and changed when cloudy like all the "instructions" said. Then I placed 7 in regular tap water as an experiment. The ones in the tap water seemed to grow faster and healthier than the pond water ones. Also the tap water had to be changed less often than the pond ones. So far 4 of the 7 tap water and 2 of 7 pond ones have sprouted.And wow do they grow fast! Some have grown over inches in just 2 days.

  • Shaveer
    13 years ago

    Hi i really want to grow a lotus plant from seed but i need some pointers. I am in South Africa so climate isn't an issue. The year round heat we receive here makes lotus a hardy plant and also Obtaining the seeds is not a problem too. There's an abundance of public parks from which i have received permission from to harvest the seeds for research. I'm currently trying (and i think failing) with one seed. I have a 2L glass jar to which i'd fixed a bulb into the lid, so it's like a mini green house. I filed the seed then eventually like snipped off the based of it to expose the inner white flesh (the air spaces wer huge so it didn't get damaged.) i made a little piercing into the flesh and submerged it in like half an inch of water in my mini green house. The first few days the water started turnin brown which i read was normal so i changed it every two days. The seed is now soft, i can see the inner core, it's been two weeks and no further progress has occured. Is there something i did wrong? What should i do in future?

  • aquawise
    13 years ago

    Sounds to me like you got a bad seed. There should not be "air space" inside the hard shell. All of mine were scored with a dremel tool, down the side, just until I could see white. Put in water "no light needed yet" change the water every other day. Mine started sprouting on the third day.

  • trivedi_south
    12 years ago

    This is SO awesome. I have been obsessed with Lotus for a while. I want to give it a shot.

    What is your fav. source of obtaining the seeds and/or plants?

    I have a lake in the backyard...small pond...I am in GA...what plants/bog plants would work near the lake. Right now lot of wild, long, unsightly grass is growing.


  • puilan1_yahoo_com
    12 years ago

    Hi there,
    Your great web site encouraged me to start growing lotus from seed. However, my first experience was total lost. No new grow and was very disappointed it. I would like to try again. Does anyone have any lotus seeds to give out? Please advice.
    Thank you
    I do have some fresh passion flower seeds and four o'clock seeds to trade if anyone interesting.

  • lynnetted3_gmail_com
    12 years ago

    Hi. I too have been bitten by lotus bug! I grew two last year and they came back this year! I can't wait for blooms! This year I made a lotus bog pond all for lotus! I'm excided to watch them bloom!

  • katieshealane_msn_com
    12 years ago

    I picked up some bare root lotus at a great price, and within days of planting they were throwing out new leaves. 3 flowers have bloomed (I should have fertilized again last month, but forgot). Anyway - one of the seed pods now has seeds that are shrinking and turning dark, but have not fallen free yet. At what point are they ready to harvest? Can they then be sprouted immediately, or do they need a resting/drying out period?

    Great website. Thanks for any info you can provide.

  • eloise_ca
    10 years ago

    This is an old post, but I just found it. Tried to get to Margaret's site, but couldn't. Anyone know if this is still available?
