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need help: jack in the pulpit care instructions


I am creating a bog in my yard. We have an area that fills up with heavy rain that runs down the side of our field. I have dug out about half of the bog now, and it improved the drainage by a good day or so for the rest of the wet field. Eventually, the bog drains too, but stays very moist a long time after the flooding. I could easily water it 2 times a week in warm weather to keep it bog-like. This area gets direct morning sun until noon-ish, with a couple of shadier parts. OK, so those are the conditions.

I visited my sister this weekend in Vermont. Her husband is buiding a road on their property. I have been saving--or salvaging--plants from there. I got 3 Jack in the Pulpit plants this weekend. I know nothing about their needs except what I saw there: wet, primarily shady with a little dappled sunlight on occasion.

I planted them in my bog area to the side that is done, and mixed in peat for water retention. I put them in at the same depth, and put them in the shadier part.

How'd I do? Can anyone give me some more information? I have been hoping to trade for this plant for some time, and am quite thrilled to have them now. I want to insure they live--as best I can.

Moreover, can anyone tell me...

Do the bulbs (or corms or whatever they have) multiply like daffodils or crocus or anything I may be more familiar with?

Thanks in advance for the assistance!


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