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wanted: benitochiba have: sophia and other stuff

13 years ago

Hello all!

I've been lusting for a Begonia Benitochiba for a long time; I have a very nice rooted Begonia Sophia. I haven't yet added these to my trade lists, but I also have these for trade as well:

Abutilon 'Souvenir de Bonn' - fresh cutting

Begonia 'Sophia'

Breynia nivosa - Hawaiian snowbush - fresh cutting

Bromeliad/ Neoregelia - this is my best guess at what I have; behaves like a gigantic jew, colors up purplish in the sun.

Brugmansia 'Snowbank' - fresh cutting

Davallia trichomanoides - Squirrel's foot fern

Euphorbia 'Breathless Blush'

Euphorbia/ pedilanthus tithymaloides - variegated Devil's backbone

Ficus elastica Tricolor

Gibasis geniculata - Tahitian Bridal Veil

Haemaria discolor - Jewel orchid, acts more like a jew than an orchid!

Hoya carnosa (I believe) rooted cutting

Oleander, red - fresh cuttings

Passiflora caerulea - rooted cutting

Pellonia 'watermelon'

Pepperomia obtusifolia, fresh cutting

Philodendron erubescens - black leaved variety

Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'

Scindapsus pictus argyraeus - Silver pothos

Seemania sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset' - Hardy Gloxinia

Tradescantia sillamontana - Fuzzy jew

Tradescantia fluminensis variegata

Tradescantia zebrina

Sedums and succulents:

Aptenia cordifolia variegata

Bryophyllum - variety that has purple speckled leaves and blooms great big chandeliers of peachy bells

Sanseveria 'Coppertone'

Variety of sedums, graptosedum, haworthia, etc

I do welcome trades outside of what's listed above:)

Thanks for reading!

