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I need to attract bees in a bad way

16 years ago

Hi all,

Been Googling around and everything points to "have flowers in your backyard" in order to attract bees to a vegetable garden. We do. We have roses, other flowering plants, we just bought a bunch of different flowering container plants and put them around the vegetable garden. We even put some hummingbird feeders around the vegetable garden because so many people complain about bees bothering those. We have a big patch of cucumber and squash flowers. We're getting almost no fruit on our plants because we don't have bees to pollinate. We don't use any pesticides so that's not it.

I'm at a loss and I don't know what else I can do. Is it reasonable to collect a few honey bees and let them go in the backyard? Would they find the flowers and hang around or just fly away? I live in a neighborhood so I can't really handle having a full blown hive in my yard as that might be too much? Or is that too much? Any help would be greatly appreciated... we have large beautful vegetable plants producing no fruit because we're missing bees.

Thanks so much!


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