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i love., love, love - apricot zinnias

17 years ago

What's your favorite color??



Comments (26)

  • 17 years ago

    I love them all...but the color you have is one that is probably my favorite as a stand-alone Zinnia. I don't know if I'll see any this year though. My Zinns aren't doing very good, between cats digging and cool weather.


  • 17 years ago

    I like the apricot ones also but see that pretty little cherry one peeking out in your picture - that is my favorite. I WS'd cherry and apricot this year and lost them all during the Easter freeze. I do have one volunteer in one of my gardens and it is the cherry **doing happy dance**

    Very pretty picture Carrie....


  • 17 years ago

    lynn - that pink you see near the apricot zinnias is actually a reseeding petunia -

    below - and to the left, I did do some cherries and I LOVE those too!! Ha Ha (I am zinnia crazy this year - did the whites and fire too). (What is that crazy tall plant that sprouted in my border?) I posted it on another thread - it's really BIG and if it is not a weed, it's getting transplanted real fast!

    linda - sorry about the cats digging - mine haven't been near that border yet - keeping my fingers crossed


  • 17 years ago

    Orange profusions are my favorite. I like to pair them with dwarf sunflowers in containers.

  • 17 years ago

    Carrie, I have a regular size apricot zinnia blooming away this year! Was I surprised!

    Yours are lovely. And not a speck of mildew!


  • 17 years ago

    Carrie, your bed looks lovely.

    Cherry is my favorite profusion zinnia. I love that it comes true from seed for me. This is my third year.

    Planted fire but gave them away when I saw they are orange. No orange for me. Are the apricot orange?

    Many of my zinnias did not germinate this year though I have envy, peppermint and wedding white. Sadly lacking in bright colored zinnias.


  • 17 years ago

    Unless there are more colors - this is what I have: Pink, orange, fire, apricot, cherry and white

    The fire is a bit more intense than the orange, the pink tends to fade (for me, at least), the apricot is sort of a softer orange, and I love the cherry and white: Here's a picture of fire and orange together -


  • 17 years ago

    I've just gotta try those Apricot next year! Lovely.

    That giant of a plant there looks like one of the Milkweeds (Asclepias sp.) maybe the Common or Showy Milkweed? Did you sow any of these ever? These two have pretty simular looking leaves and bloom...showy is a little more colorful. Either way they both spread via root...give it lots of room maybe away from the border like it's own spot.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Google Images.....Showy Milkweed

  • 17 years ago

    Thanks, vera - but it isn't milkweed - and right now it is "toast", since I couldn't take looking at it in the middle of the border. When I pulled it, it was hard to pull and someone on the Name That Plant forum said if it is hard to pull, it's probably a weed. I swear, though, it came out of nowhere - and I look at my gardens everyday!

    The fun and wonder of gardening - never ceases to amaze me.


    (prygal... a gift from God??)

  • 17 years ago

    Carrie - that is a beautiful combination with the orange profusion and scaveola - just stunning.....


  • 17 years ago

    Carrie, will you have seeds from your orange and fire zinnis this fall? If so I'd sure like to get some of them. I too got hooked on them. For their beauty as well as the ease of growing them, they are wonderful performers. PLMK if you'll have seeds to share. Lovely gardens BTW.

  • 17 years ago

    Maid - you are welcome to the seeds, but unfortunately, they don't come true to seed. The ones you see are catalogue bought - and actually when I did sow them from harvest, they came taller and YELLOW! I put those behind the ones from Parks. I now know, that if I want true colors, they need to be bought every year. Others may have better experience - I think someone posted that their cherries came true - I haven't had that luck.


  • 17 years ago

    My Pink Profusion Zinnia have come true 2 times for me and they were given to me from saved seed in trade!!

    ........Many natives plants/grasses are "hard to pull" too LOL! But as they say ones man/women's flower is another's weed :O
    Milkweed is one of them hard to pull kinds.

  • 17 years ago

    That's good news, vera - I wonder how I got yellow from orange zinnias? Vera, were yours a bit taller? Anything I harvested always came very much taller. I read somewhere that if you planted tall zinnias nearby that it could cause the cross pollination (?)... PS Have no idea what if I said that right, but you, Master Gardener, could enlighten me. Hybrid, cross pollinate - all Greek to me (LoL)

    Carrie :)

  • 17 years ago

    Carrie - Not only are your Zinnia's looking GREAT your entire garden is very beautiful too. I agree with Vera, I bet your tall plant was Asclepias Speciosa. They are the wild ones and they will just pop up out of nowhere. The wind can carry the seed for miles.

    Again - you've got a great looking garden!


  • 17 years ago

    Thos are lovely zinnias. This year in the garden I have a small pach of cherry profusion, they're cute too!


  • 17 years ago

    Thanks, everyone

    Lynne - - took a closer look at my picture - you were right - there is a cherry profusion peeking out - I never saw that (only saw the petunia).... Sorry, you were right!


  • 17 years ago

    I saw a picture on the perennials forum recently of apricot profusion zinnias planted in front of echinacea 'Sundown'. It was a great combo. I WS some zinnias, but the germination was poor, and the couple seedlings that I ended up with lost all their foliage to what I am assuming was powdery mildew before they even bloomed. Are the profusion zinnias less prown to mildew?

  • 17 years ago

    .... My experience regarding mildew has been that on the whole they don't have as much mildew, but it still happens. I have two clumps of white profusions and the leaves have mildew, yet the others don't. They all get watered the same way, same time - once early in the morning - I dont really understand it.

  • 17 years ago

    Gorgeous Carrie! Your pool looks so inviting!
    I love the zowie zinnias and the light green ones. This is my first year with the profusion series, and they are just starting to bloom! I don't understand why they get going so late.

  • 17 years ago

    Do the apricots seem to hold their color like the orange? I prefer pink colors but wasn't thrilled with how they faded. But the orange gets an A+. I've had to water other plants but not these guys. Received traded fire last year and some stayed fairly true and some turned a bit wild and grew more free form. There's also deep apricot I'll be trying next year.
    And FYI, for anyone looking to purchase seed (which tend to be a little pricey), Swallowtail Garden Seeds has all the colors but you need to look in the "bulk" section of their website. And the prices in the bulk section are more reasonable.

  • 17 years ago

    Thanks Becky, threeorangeboys, trudi, etc.

    threeorange, they do get started late, but I've noticed they catch up really quickly and seem so much stronger. My experience has been that I have transplanted a clump of profusions in the heat of the summer and with a bit of watering and a cover for a couple of days, they bounce right back (some didn't even wilt)...

    The orange is so brilliant, I love all of them. I did notice last year the pink faded so I didn't do them this year. I am a bit happier with the cherries - still in the pink/red family.


  • 17 years ago

    For me, I love any zinnia I can use for floral arrangements.
    I use vintage champagne glasses and make arrangements for people I know in nursing homes or the hospital.
    Here is one I made this morning for my neighbors wife who has been hospitalized, now in nursing home for over 3 months.
    I can get a pic of the zinnias I have later, the greens and a free packet of "pastel" from Parks

    Here is a link that might be useful:

  • 17 years ago

    I grew the orange profusion this year - seeds from Linda in Kentucky - and I am very much thrilled with them. Just wish I had planted them in a bigger pot. They're a beautiful, bright orange and are blooming to beat the band!

    Like your corals, Carrie, but like those fires even more! I'm gonna have to try more of them next year ....


  • 16 years ago

    Just dug this up to take a look at the zinnias again!

  • 16 years ago

    Very nice photos on this thread! I remember reading this one when going back through the archives, and after seeing these pictures decided I had to winter-sow the Apricot Profusion Zinnias. :)

    Also, planning to winter sow the White Profusion from a trade (hope they will come true), 'Red spider', 'Persian Carpet.
