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Colony Collapse Disorder & food crops - List?

17 years ago

The under-pollination of many crops that need yearly pollination will probably mean a lot of crop failures and near failures. I'm not Chicken Little predicting famine, but prices on hard-hit crops will rise relative to their shortage on the market. I understand that about 150 of the familiar food crops are in need of annual pollination by insects, and that something like a third of the basics of the American diet could be affected.

I've heard talk of almonds, citrus fruits, berries, etc.

But I haven't seen an itemized and extensive list of these crops.

In my household, we sometimes buy bulk quantities of certain food (items we cannot grow here). So I wonder which crops are most likely to see a shortage, hence a sharp price rise? Has anyone seen a list of the crops likely or possibly to be scarcer by next autumn? Thanks.


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