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Need Advise

18 years ago


I need some advise about a two year old hive. I'm noty sure if the Queen thats there now is the original one or not. I worked it about ten days ago and suspected there was a problem and today I confirmed it. My queen has laid out she is not performing hardly at all.

I have two brood boxes and two supers on now. One of the supers is full of honey but only about one third capped the other there is nothing the foundation has not been drawn out and its been on there three weeks and we are near the end of our honey flow so it was on during the peak time.

The top brood box is full of honey/polen, not one single empty cell probally no more than one tenth capped. The bottom is fifty percent full of honey/polen. Very few brood cells with no pattern. Saw no eggs in the few empty cells although they were very clean.

All this tells me I need to requeen or let them raise their own, I perfer to requeen!

My question???

What should I do about all the frames being full of honey/polen. I know she will need a place to start laying and I know the girls will move some but with every thing being full there isn't much place to move it. Should I remove some frames and put new ones in, replace the top brood box, I'm stumped? I only have new frames with foundation no drawn out ones. I guess I just need to hear how someone has handled this type situation for themselves.

I would appreciate any information you may wish to share.



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