My pups won't grow!
16 years ago
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- 16 years ago
- 16 years ago
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Why won't my new bermuda grow on the slope in my yard?
Comments (6)Good thing you posted again. What happens with this forum is if you post a new message and leave it alone, it will remain at the top of the forum for several days while people decide whether they want to reply. What you did was immediately post more pictures. That released your message to drift down through the milieu of new posts right away. Your post today bumped it back to the top. You overseeded with bermuda on June 1 and less than a month later you are concerned about it not filling in. Is that correct? I would say, come back in a month and see if you have the same questions. How are you watering now? How often and for how long? It is time to fertilize with organic fertilizer. I would suggest using Milorganite as the bag rate. Milorganite is an organic that will not hurt your grass and will improve your soil. Typically centipede grasses thrive in the poorest of soils, so the Milorganite will be a good first step in reviving it. In August you can probably start in with the Bermuda Bible recommendations on fertilizer. With that soil you might want to alternate monthly feedings between organic and chemical for a year. All this fertilizer and water will kill off any vestiges of centipede you might have still hanging on....See MoreDesert Rose won't grow, won't flower
Comments (20)Hi guys thanks for all your help- I am not going to repost in the other forum at this time b/c I think I got some very good information here. I went to walmart today and they were out of cactus mix. Sigh. They did have a bag of perlite tho- but I wanted to check with you guys first if this is the correct thing to buy, and if so- what do I do with it. I have a bag of miracle grow potting soil- I am assuming I need to mix these two together. I also have some small gravel- about bean sized. I plan to put him in a terra cotta pot since plastic holds the water and doesn't breath. I could use some instructions on the dirt mix tho- and as an aside- I purchased a succulent that needs to be repotted- do I use the same type of soil for him? I also have two lemon trees I grew from seed that I wanted to put into citrus mix, however they didn't even carry that this year. No they don't ever grow lemons, sometimes they flower but that's ok- the leaves smell really nice....See MoreMy Hydrangeas won't grow--I mean really won't
Comments (1)I wonder if they were only 3 inches if they needed to be potted longer? Just a guess - I've never grown them from cuttings....See MoreWhy won't my Zinnia grow straight/upright?
Comments (20)Hello Dale, I am not sure why this message string got flagged as updated, since your August 2, 2017 message is the last one, but since your message is the last one in the string, you are "due" for an answering comment. This comment from you and my response are copied from a message above. " And there's still the problem with the other plants. I only posted the photo of the one. " Well, there were three plants in your photo, but we could get a good view of only the one. And the photo was on its side somehow. Obviously you can't take or post any more pictures from your 2017 zinnia patch, but I copied this excerpt from your original picture, which did show this additional zinnia in the background. Click on this small inline photo to see the larger version. This zinnia also had its main stem terminated at the arrow, forcing side branches from that node. All side branches have to start out rather horizontally, and they naturally curve upward as they grow. Your zinnias may not have been mowed over by a lawn mower, but something terminated their main stems, and they responded normally to that damaging event. The curved stems you see in your picture above are normal growth in response to removal of the main growing point. We may never know what removed those growing points. ZM...See MoreRelated Professionals
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rayandgwennOriginal Author