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Day-neutral Hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)

This year, I grew a white-flowered hyacinth bean received in a trade. Unlike most hyacinth beans, it is both day neutral, and bush in habit. It was originally given to my source by someone from India, but that person moved, so no other source info is possible. I believe it may be Valor Bean Lakshmi (sold by Seeds of India) or something similar:


This bean flowered just over a month after sowing, and has continued flowering until now. The immature pods, when cooked, are like bean-flavored snow peas. I've been able to harvest quite a bit of dry seed, and should be able to harvest more before frost... something I previously thought impossible for a hyacinth bean, this far North.

Apparently, India has done considerable breeding of hyacinth bean. As noted in a site dedicated to Lablab purpureus here, quite a few bush varieties have been developed in India that are day neutral. Has anyone here grown any of them? I am wondering if there is a purple-podded day neutral cultivar.

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