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Growing Moringa Stenopetala in Zone 9b?

Hi! I got zero response in the California forum, so I'm trying here. Fingers crossed somebody is growing this tree.

We started a row of Moringa Oleiferra last September, and found out there is a huge boulder preventing the growth of a few trees. BUT, 2 are 8 feet tall, flowering and bearing pods.

I really couldn't wait to harvest those leaves for the health benefits, but discovered they are a pain to strip from the stems. Not as bad as thyme, but along that line. I still do it, and they taste delicious in salads. So far that's as adventurous as I've become with this tree. This morning I tasted a raw pod about 7" long. Green bean with a little spicy kick. Not bad raw. Probably better sauteed with garlic...

Anyway, I read that Moringa Stenopetala has much bigger leaves that actually have a better flavor. It's slower to grow, more drought friendly, but doesn't like cold. I ordered seeds on Ebay, soaked them for 48 hours, and planted some next to a concrete wall for reflected warmth in winter, and this morning one has sprouted. It's just adorable, and I'm looking forward to the differences.


Do any of you have experience with this variety?


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